Snatching the soul cleansing spirit plant

He continue picking spirit plants and grasses whenever he lays his eye on one,he picked all the herbs in the area clean before leaving.

Xiao fan heard loud roaring sound as he entered the range of a lush green forest, he moved closer to where the sound was been heard, He saw six humans locked in a battle with two demonic beasts, despite the human cultivators having more pupil they were still on the losing side, the human cultivators have three elementary stage 9 cultivators, two elementary stage 10 cultivators, and another that has a more powerful aura than the rest he should be at the soul pound realm.

The two demonic beasts were rank 2 beast, ice scarlet bear and demonic black steel panther, Xiao fan was shocked that demonic beasts were cooperating together to deal with human cultivators, it seems like there is something valuable to share if not demonic beasts will never join hands together especially when they are not of the same species.

Ice scarlet bears are extremely powerful among demonic beast, the same goes for demonic black steel panthers they might be rank 2 beast but some less powerful rank 3 beast will be wary of them especially for the ice scarlet bears they are rare demonic beasts that doesn't really show up, although their general strength is not as strong as the black steel panthers they are still terrifying opponents.

Xiao fan found himself a hiding spot and watched the intense fight before him, but something caught his eye it was a spirit plant..." Soul cleansing spirit plant" no wonder both parties are fighting intensely.

The soul cleansing spirit plant is the main plant needed to make a soul strengthening pill, you only need to add some little ingredients as supplement with it after getting the soul cleansing spirit plant.

Xiao fan set his mind on snatching the soul cleansing plant, he stealthily moved from his hiding place towards the soul cleansing plant he hides himself well after getting close to the soul cleansing plant but the fight was intense he doesn't want to get caught up in it, the soul pound realm cultivator and a 10th stage elementary realm warrior were fighting battling the demonic black steel panther, while the second elementary stage 10 cultivator and the remaining three 9th stage elementary realm cultivator were all besieging the ice scarlet bear, still the scarlet bear doesn't look like it will be defeated anytime soon.

The soul pound realm cultivator fighting the demonic black steel panther yelled at the four people besieging the ice scarlet bear, don't show mercy use your strongest attack to deal with it, if not we will be having no chance to take this "soul cleansing plant" away.

Judging from the aura of the stage ten elementary realm cultivator that is among the cultivators battling the ice scarlet bear he looks like he is not far from been a soul pound realm cultivator, he takes the lead to intensify his attack after hearing the yelling of the soul pound realm warrior he waved his both fist at the ice scarlet bear using a powerful fist technique, the attack only made the bear retreat some few steps, the bear immediately attacked with his paws raised high and wiping at lad, he couldn't bear the attack as he flew away and crashed into several trees with blood spurting out from his mouth, he must have been inured badly from that attack... This crazy bear is terrifying let combine our powerful attacks together if we hold back not all of us will leave here alive a pale looking guy at the stage 9 mortal realm said, immediately powerful attacks were blasted on the ice scarlet spear who was been held down by the four cultivators.

On the other side the soul pound realm cultivator and the stage ten mortal realm cultivator battling the demonic black steel panther were been forced to retreat constantly the black steel panther powerful claw attack teared apart the stage ten mortal realm cultivator palm attack and ripped a part of his chest off leaving a bloody scar, the soul pound realm cultivator attacked the demonic black steel panther with a fist attack.

"Burning wrath fist"

The attack blew the demonic black steel panther some few matters back, blood spurted from the demonic black steel paw that it used to collide with the soul pound realm cultivator fist attack, the demonic black steel panther was aggrieved from this, it lawn forward with a terrifying fist attack the soul pound realm cultivator used the burning wrath fist to attack the soul pound realm cultivator, but this time around the case was different the soul pound realm cultivator was blown away for about forty meters while the demonic black steel panther was also pushed back, it retreated with ten heavy steps.

Xiao fan observed the battle the two parties were both fighting intensely, Xiao fan quickly used the traceless shadowless step pushing his speed high, he grabbed the soul cleansing spirit plant in his palm and kept it in his ring very fast that no one could explained what happened there, only after Xiao fan kept the soul cleansing plant did they notice that someone already snatched the soul cleansing spirit plant under their eyes.

The white robed cultivator at the soul pound realm attacking the demonic black steel panther said "brat give me the soul cleansing plant and leave here immediately".

Hehehehe, "is there anything as a free lunch in this word I think you have hit your head on a huge boulder" Xiao fan said.

How dare you! When I talk inferiors ones like you can only accept.

At soul pound realm you can't fight a demonic black steel panther at rank 2 beast level and you dare to call others inferior, I feel like this is the hardest joke I have heard in a long time.

The white robed cultivator couldn't say anything it clearly true that he can't battle this demonic black steel panther without leaving something behind even if he defeats talk less of when he couldn't.... The black steel panther seeing that Xiao fan got the soul cleansing plant attacked Xiao fan with its paw, it wanted to smash Xiao fan away.

Humph!!! Xiao fan sneered and launched his fist towards the demonic black steel panther using his roaring tiger fist third move the black steel panther was pushed back few meters back, the ice scarlet bear fighting the four cultivators left the cultivators and attacked Xiao fan with its claw, Xiao fan dodged the deadly attack and attacked the ice scarlet bear with his roaring tiger fist third move, the ice scarlet was forced back with its hand shaking slightly, Xiao fan terrifying physical body made his roaring tiger fist very powerful in Xiao fan hands the roaring dragon fist was like another powerful skill in Xiao fan hands his physical body worked well with the roaring tiger fist.

Brother give brother lei the soul cleansing plant, we can share it they are three big stalks of it, there is a bigger chance for we all to leave this place unharmed the stage 10 mortal realm cultivator besieging the ice scarlet bear alongside the other three said.

"Don't worry I can take care of myself, Xiao fan said"

You are just courting death can you withstand all of us the white robed soul pound realm cultivator surnamed lei said... Who said running is not an option, Xiao fan threw a fist attack at the demonic black steel panther that was close to him the demonic black steel panther was forced to dodge the punch hurriedly, Xiao fan used the time as he shot out to distance using his traceless shadowless step.... The demonic black steel panther and the ice scarlet bear were enraged and followed closely, the human cultivators also speed up, they were all hot on Xiao fan heels, Xiao fan could only run as he surely cannot withstand the attack of everyone pursuing him, he continue to add more speed as he run through the lush forest, his pursuers follows closely it doesn't look like he can shake them off anytime soon...