Chapter 62 The Ninth Son Part 14

In the distance, Saja saw Baishui and Jiāo inexplicably starting to flee with his horse, unconscious guests, and his mage.

Saja looked at his men and yelled frantically, "Kill everyone but the mage. We need him." Riding his horse after Baishui and Jiāo.

Baishui looked back at the men who were chasing them from time to time, and every time he turned his head, he found that they were getting closer to them. "Ahhhh..." He frowned angrily. "My old man shouldn't take my power away."

Jiāo said, "Ninth Prince, on land, there is only so much I can do...His majesty said that if there is danger, I can summon him. His Majesty's scales can protect you until His Majesty arrives."

Baishui said, "Calling him now can only prove that what he said is correct. I forbid you to call him."

Jiāo looked at Baishui and felt a little angry. She doesn't understand what's wrong with men. Why should they have such a big ego that they would rather die before asking for help? "I don't understand what you mean?" she asked frantically.

Baishui said, "What?"

Jiāo said, "I don't understand why you would rather be alone in danger than open your mouth to ask for help? Is it so difficult to back down? How much face can you lose just by asking for help?"

Baishui said, "It's not about losing's about proving myself. I can do what others think I can't do."

"Kenji...," Hajime muttered to himself.

Baishui looked down at Hajime. "Hajime..."

"Kenji..." Hajime gasped and his body began to shake.

Baishui shouted, "Hajime...Hajime..."

The sound of the dangerous arrows chasing after the five Tanzanies and the two dragons made Baishui and Jiāo feel as if they were standing on the edge of a waterfall. There was an inexplicable feeling that made their knees weak and their hearts trembling with fear.

When Baishui looked back, he saw a wave of arrows rushing towards him. "Jiāo!"

Jiāo turned around quickly, stood on the saddle, and jumped into the wagon carrying Yul, Abrafo, U-ri and Michio. She used her magical powers to create a solid earthen wall that rose from the ground to the sky and held back incoming arrows.

As soon as the earthen wall was destroyed by the arrows, another wave of arrows flew into the sky and fell on them like raindrops.

Jiāo shouted, "We need to get out of range."

Seeing the dense forest ahead, Baishui charged the horses towards the forest.

Jiāo was about to jump back on the horse but found Abrafo's left leg dangling over the side of the wagon. She quickly magically created another earthen wall, pulled Abrafo on top of Michio, and she jumped back on her horse.

"Do you know where you are going?" Jiāo yelled.

"Let's go straight to the forest ahead," Baishui shouted. "This is our only chance of survival." He looked back at the situation on the wagon, and he was relieved to see the four people and some of their belongings were still on the wagon.

Holding Hajime tightly in his arms, Hajime continued to pant and plead.

"Stop..." Hajime murmured. "Don't save me anymore...I'm going back to save my friends. Please...please don't crush my ribs...I'm hurting...please."

Baishui looked at Jiāo and said, "Do something! They are catching on to us."

Jiāo said, " I have tried my best. I did all I could."

Saja was furious, chasing Baishui and Jiāo, and ran aimlessly into the mountains, ignoring his surrounding situation. His eyes fell on Baishui and Jiāo.



"Chief! We're entering the capital city," yelled a man seated to Saja's right.

Saja looked up suddenly and found that they were heading straight for the old capital city of Magior. He is slowing his horse, and the men behind him were slowing too.

Jiāo looked back and said, "Ninth Prince...Ninth Prince... they stopped."

Baishui turned around and found that Saja and his men had stopped completely. Saja and his men did not march towards Baishui and Jiāo.

Before Baishui and Jiāo entered the forest, they slowed down their horses. Saja and his men dismounted slowly and approached Baishui and Jiāo step by step.

Jiāo looked at Saja and the others and found that Saja and the others did not dare to move around like before. " Ninth Prince, they dare not approach us." She pointed to Saja and his men. She got off her horse holding onto the rein.

Suddenly the two horses neighed, jumped to the side in fright, and hurriedly changed direction to escape from the forest, frightening Baishui and Hajime. Baishui grabbed Hajime, and they flew back to the wagon, but the horses started charging at Saja and his men, so Baishui unsheathed Yul's sword from the scabbard on his back and chopped off both handles in one swing. The wagon slid several yards before it came to a complete stop.

Jiāo rushed forward, "Ninth Prince..." Jiāo grabbed onto Baishui's arms. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Baishui said, "I'm fine..." He watched the two horses gallop away.

Baishui carefully assessed the situation. He knew that standing in front of him were Saja and his men, and behind him was an unknown forest that even Saja dared not step into. Without horses, without magical powers, outnumbered, Baishui can only stare at Saja and the others.

Saja looked at his men and said, "Drag them out."

Two men quickly tied the rope to the arrow and shot the arrow at the wagon. Six men, three on each rope, began to pull the wagon forward, when several whistles rang through the dense forest. Shadow figures start moving from tree to tree. Suddenly, two big arrows flew out of the forest, and shot straight at the abdomen of the two people from behind the dense trees.

Baishui hurriedly turned his head to see who shot such a big arrow, but he saw tall black shadows running from one place to another. Baishui looked back at Saja and the others, as well as the four dead people on the ground.

Saja shouted, "All I need is the mage. Come to me with the mage, everyone can leave."

Baishui said, "It seems that the things here are attacking you instead of us, why on earth should I walk towards you with Hajime."

Saja roared, "Do you know what you walked into? That is the capital of Magior City, the lost city of the Magiori warriors. You will die!"

Baishui chuckled, and said, "If I walk back to you, I will die too. So..." He looked at Jiāo, the four unconscious men in the wagon, and Hajime. "We'll try our luck in the capital city."

Jiāo said, "It also seems to be attacking you, not us."

Suddenly, Baishui felt a rumble under his feet. He felt as if his feet were moving by themselves. He looked down and found hundreds of vines heading towards Saja and his men. Four vines galloped towards the four dead bodies, quickly pulling the bodies back behind the dense trees and bushes. Immediately afterwards, another vine rushed up, wrapped around Jiāo's waist, and pulled her towards the bushes.

Jiāo shouted, "Baishui!"

Baishui dropped Hajime to the ground and quickly chased after Jiāo. He grabbed Jiāo's hands and wanted to pull Jiāo towards him, but the force that was pulling Jiāo into the forest was stronger than his weak physical strength.

Jiāo cried, "Baishui…"

Baishui grunted, "Jiāo… don't let go of my hands…"

The powerful force dragged Jiāo toward the trees and bushes, and another vine swung forward, hitting Baishui hard in the abdomen, sending him flying a few yards beyond the wagon.

Baishui fell to the ground almost out of breath. He got up quickly and chased after Jiāo. With Yul's sword in his hand, Baishui rushed through the dense bushes, only to see nothing behind the bushes and trees but a path leading deep into the mountains. Baishui looked around, but found nothing, not even the bloodstains of the four dead. Baishui walked back to the wagon.

Baishui put the five people side by side on the ground beside the damaged wagon. He took out the Book of Life from his inner robe and hid it in Hajime's robe. "I really want to stay and wait for you to wake up, but Jiāo is in trouble, and I can't leave her alone to fend for herself," he said to Hajime with a smile. "I wish we had met sooner." He looks at Yul. "Sorry, I'm going to borrow your sword for now. If I can save Jiāo and come back alive, I will return your sword to you and kneel in front of you to make amends."

Baishui was walking away from the five unconscious people, and suddenly rushed back. He took out the silver scale of Bailong and put them on Hajime's neck.

Baishui smiled and said, "My father's pure silver scale can protect you from any harm." Baishui stood up, strapped Yul's sword tightly on his back, and walked into the bushes and trees, leaving the five men sleeping soundly on the ground.

"Come back!" Saja yelled as he watched Baishui disappearing behind the bushes and trees.