Chapter 75 The City Of Warriors Part 11

Hajime couldn't remember how long he slept, but when he felt the sun burn his eyes, he started to roll them. Before he can even open his eyes, he hears Yul, Abrafo, and U-ri talking about how his wounds are healing much slower than the last time Abrafo stabbed him, when Abrafo was possessed by Bell Forest's effective spell. He also has his doubts. When he was injured last time, the wound on his body, although the wound had not fully healed, he could not feel the pain, but this time he was in pain for the longest time, until now, he still feels the pain.

Hajime wanted to get up, but he couldn't move his body, so he had to lie on the ground and listen to the conversation of the three friends. After a while, Hajime felt the long silence stop, and he began to try to move his body, and this time he succeeded. He can wiggle his toes.

Hajime muttered and tried to sit up, but his attempt failed. He lay on the ground and waited until he regained his strength before trying again. He began to control his breathing, taking a slow breath.

Yul, who was standing a few feet away from Abrafo, saw Hajime trying to stand up. "Hajime's awake," he said, walking to where Hajime was sleeping.

Abrafo and U-ri also quickly catch up to Yul.

Yul knelt and helped Hajime up. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat off Hajime's forehead. "How are you feeling," he asked.

Hajime snorted in pain and said, "I'm still in pain." He sat up and looked at the people around him. "I feel hungry."

U-ri smiled and said, "Your bowl of soup is still there. Although the taste may not be as good as what you and Michio made, it is still edible."

Lixin, who was standing not far away, rushed forward with his men, and knelt on one knee in front of Hajime. "Last night, before you passed out, you mentioned that you were able to get us out of here. Is that true?" he asked, gripping Hajime's left arm tightly.

Hajime pulled his arm away, trying to break free from Lixin's tight grip, but he couldn't do anything. It may be that Lixin held him too hard, or it may be that his body is still weak and has not fully recovered. "I didn't say I knew how to get out. I said I know how the environment around us would change," Hajime said, trying to withdraw his arm again, but without success.

Yul grabbed Lixin's wrist and said, "Let go of his arm."

Lixin felt the strength from Yul's hand, and decided to let go, because he knew he still needed them to find Kexin. He slowly let go of Hajime's arm.

Lixin said impatiently, "Explain to us."

U-ri handed Hajime the cold soup in the bowl, and said, "Let the man eat first."

Hajime took the bowl and said, "When we went to rescue the white dragon, I found that the surrounding environment would change at least every half hour. I predict that if we stay in the same environment without moving, then we will go back to the same location and environment, but if we move, it means we are walking into a different location and environment." Hajime looked around but did not see the white dragon. "What about the white dragon we risked our lives to save?"

U-ri said, "As soon as the environment changes, it disappears."

Hajime sighed helplessly, "What a pity." He drank his bowl of soup.

Yul said, "This morning Abrafo found our campfire from the night before, but Michio was not there, so we think that Michio may have unknowingly entered another environment."

Hajime asked, "How many different places are there on this mountain?

Abrafo said, "We don't know. We haven't count yet."

Hajime said, "I think we'd better start counting. We've got to stay in one place in case Michio meets us."

U-ri sighed and said, "What if he wanders off farther than us?"

Yul said, "Then we can only travel patiently in one environment, and hopefully we'll see him when the environment changes."

Lixin asked, "Is your theory true?"

Abrafo said, "You don't have to follow us. Hajime has shared his theory with you. You can choose to follow or not, it's up to you."

Lixin looked at Abrafo feeling a little mad, stood up and walked towards his subordinates.

Yul said, "We're better off together. We'll have a better chance of surviving and saving your sister."

Lixin turned and looked at Yul. "How do I know you'll help me?

Yul said, "I promise you. We will not leave this forest, dead or alive, until we find your sister."

Lixin said, "Well... I believe your words, but if you lie to me, no one will leave this forest."

Abrafo hurriedly chased after Lixin and shouted at Lixin angrily, "You dare to raise your voice to Hajime. No matter where your small country is, you may be a lord, but in front of us, you have no right to raise your voice, and you have no right to use that tone." He grabbed Lixin's left arm.

Lixin quickly pulled back and gritted his teeth at Abrafo, "Get your dirty hands off my arms, peasant." Lixin's men drew out their sword and prepared to attack Abrafo.

Abrafo glared at Lixin. "Peasant?" He gritted his teeth, anger ignited in his eyes. "How dare you call me a peasant? You self-righteous idiot. If you want to fight, I can fight all of you at the same time." Abrafo grabbed the hilt of his sword.

Seeing the conversation stiffen, Yul rushed forward and grabbed Abrafo's hand. "Stop... our enemies are in this unknown forest, not here," Yul said. "We have to look at the big picture. I know we all have different perspectives and how to deal with our problems. Let's put aside our differences and lower our egos for now because working together is the only way we will survive if we want to get out of this forest."

Fearing that Yul would not be able to give Abrafo and Lixin some senses, U-ri hurried over and tried to appease Abrafo with Yul.

Hajime was very annoyed to watch other people quarreling, and Hajime decided to stand up and stop their quarrel. Hajime felt a hand grabbing his left arm. "The kind monk is looking for you." The soft voice sounded from behind Hajime.

Hajime didn't dare to look back, for fear of seeing something he didn't want to see. "Can you take us to find this kind monk?" Hajime asked.

The boy said, "The kind monk is in the capital city of Magior."

Hajime was taken aback, "He has already entered Magior's capital?"

The boy said, "Come with me... the big sister knows that I brought that kind monk into the city. The kind monk is in danger."

Hajime's lips trembled, "In danger?" He grabbed his cross bag beside him and stood up quickly. "Abrafo, stop quarreling. Michio is in danger." He grabbed the little boy's hand and started to walk away.

Yul, Abrafo, and U-ri quickly picked up their belongings and caught up with Hajime and an unknown little boy.

"My lord, what should we do now?" asked one of Lixin's subordinates.

Lixin said, "Follow them."

Lixin and his subordinates quickly followed behind the others.

When Baishui saw the light hitting the side of the mountain, he knew that Jiāo must have summoned his father. He wasn't sure if it was his father or one of his brothers who had unleashed the power. He sighed and shook his head, and at the same time he was glad that Jiāo disobeyed his order. When he walked towards the ray of light, his body suddenly turned into a human form, and he immediately knew that the person who created the indestructible ray of light was his father who had come to rescue him.

Baishui sighed, "Silly girl, I told you not to call father." He found himself standing in front of the cave entrance once again. He sneered, he knew that the source of his life had returned to him, and now he was not afraid of the people standing in front of him. "Here we go again, but this time, nothing you do will stop me."

Baishui stretched his right arm to his side, and the lightning Sword slowly appeared. Baishui's lightning sword directly pierced through the vines covering the entrance of the cave, destroying the woven vines.

Hearing the ear-piercing grinding sound, Jiāo and Kexin looked back at the long and small tunnel.

Kexin covered her ears. "What's that noise?" she called.

Jiāo said, "I don't know, it's coming from the main entrance. Maybe someone is trying to break in."

Kexin said with a little hope, "Could it be the person who was praying outside of the cave?"

Jiāo looked at Kexin, "Shall we go back and have a look?"

Kexin said, "But, what if the one who made the sound is not the one who came to save us, but that vine woman."

Jiāo said, "So what if this person is not the vine woman. We will lose our only chance to leave this place. We know the entrance is our way out of here. Do you want to walk an unknown path, or do you want to try your luck and get out of this cave by heading back to the front entrance?"