Chapter 74 City Of The Warriors Part 10

Michio turned back to investigate the soft voice of the woman calling him. Michio was confronted by a young woman standing a few feet away from him. Although the woman was young and beautiful, Michio knew that the young lady standing in front of him was only a lingering spirit.

"The naughty boy brought back an unknown guest without permission again," the young lady said with a warm smile. "If you walk this far into the inner city, you must not be an ordinary monk. May I ask what made you come here?"

Michio said, "My friends and I are here to find the key to No Man's Land."

The young woman walked up to Michio and said, "The uninvited guests who linger at our door, always come here to find the key to No Man's Land. You know you can simply lie to me about your intentions, because you are not the first to lie to me or nor the last one."

Michio clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, I live by the teaching of brahmajala sutra, so I can't tell lies, and I can't encourage others to tell lies."

The young lady warmly smiled at Michio and said, "No wonder he brought you here." She looked at the ancient stone city, and then at Michio. She opened the palm of her right hand, and a shiny green leaf appeared in her palm. "Holy Monk, take this leaf and get out of here. You don't have anything here. I don't want someone like you to be trapped here with us forever." She looked at Michio and pointed to her left. "Go that way and it will take you back to where you came from."

Michio said, "What if I insist on staying to get the key?"

The young woman smiled and said, "Then you have to die like everyone else, your soul will be trap here, and you will serve me like every soul before you." The young woman glared at Michio. "Are you leaving or not?"

Michio said, "I couldn't leave my friend and that key. That key was an important step for us to get into No Man's Land."

The young woman asked, "Since you are a holy monk, you should be non-attached. Why do you want to enter No Man's Land so much?"

Michio said, "If there is no dragon tail to help our people, our kingdom and our people will perish into the black hole created by the Emperor of Heaven, so we will never leave here until we find that key."

The young woman said, "This key is also very important to keep the city alive. I can't give you the key." She turned and disappeared.

Watching the young woman disappear, Michio waited to see if the little boy would come back, but the little boy didn't return. Michio turned to face the ancient city, thinking which way the best way was to enter the city safely. Just as Michio was walking towards the stone gate, Michio heard the rustling sound approaching him. Although he was walking towards the stone gate, his right hand slowly reached into the inner robe. He grabbed a piece of talisman paper with his fingertips.

Michio felt the dark energy approaching his back without even seeing it. After finishing the talisman, Michio quickly turned around, stuck the talisman on the approaching vine, and watched the vine fall to the ground.

"Arrg," the vine woman shouted, and rushed forward holding two vine axes, and slashed at Michio with one axe.

Michio jumped back to avoid the axe, he quickly pulled out a piece of talisman and threw it at the vine woman. The one talisman turned into three talismans, and hit directly on the face, causing the vine women to slide back and get farther and farther away from Michio. Michio grabbed the three-piece staff that hung from his waist, but changed his mind when he suddenly remembered the small child's hand that grabbed his. The little voice "I want to go home. Please take me to my mama" has not faded away from his mind.

"Amitabha," Michio sighed. "Your time is long past, what hatred do you still have, and let your restless soul linger in this world?"

The vine woman growled at Michio but stopped approaching Michio.

Michio said, "One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can't change."

The vine woman shouted angrily, "Get lost!"

Sitting in the dark cave illuminated by the faint light of fireflies flying around, the strange man's eyes and lips began to twitch. Suddenly, as anger rose above his head, he yelled, "Get lost!"

The sudden shout of the strange manmade Jiāo and Kexin turn their heads to look at him.

The unknown man warned, "You don't know who I am, you don't know what I've been through, so don't tell me what I need to do." He gritted his teeth. "Get out."

Jiāo and Kexin thought that this person had died a long time ago and were just under some kind of spell to prevent the corpse from decomposing, but after listening to the unknown person, they realized that their guess was wrong.

Michio clapped his hands and said, "What you are is what you have been. What you'll be is what you do now. The root of suffering is attachment."

Standing far away from Michio, the vine woman put down the ax in her hand and murmured, "The root of suffering is attachment..."

Michio sighed and said, "Benefactor, sealing these souls in your wall of hatred, did it bring you peace?"

The vine woman snorted and turned her hands into bows and arrows to aim at Michio. "Shut your mouth." The vine woman said angrily. " Otherwise, I will shoot you."

Michio said calmly, "The negative actions and beliefs of human beings such as greed, anger, and ignorance give rise to evil, not to oneself." Michio looked at the vine woman. "Benefactor, if shooting me to death can dispel your anger, then I am willing to go to hell for you." Michio closed his eyes.

The vine woman shouted, "Do you think I dare not shoot you?" She pointed the tip of the arrow at Michio's brows.

Michio clasped his hands together and gestured, "Amitabha..."

At this moment, a white dragon quickly wrapped its body around the vine woman and roared at the vine woman. The groans of the vine woman quickly make Michio open his eyes. Seeing a big white dragon tightly wrapped around the vine woman, Michio quickly backed up a few steps.

Walking from a distance, Bailong and his seven sons stood beside Bailong.

Ever since Michio separated from his group, Bailong and his sons were by far the only humans look alike he had seen. At first, Michio thought that they might be some kind of spirits; angry spirits decided to fight their captors, but when he saw their shadows, he realized they were some kind of humans who could control dragons.

"Where's my son?" Bailong shouted angrily at the vine girl, and the white dragon clung to the vine woman's body. Bailong gritted his teeth. "This is the last time I will ask you before I unleash everything on you. Where is my son?"

Inside the cave, Jiāo and Kexin looked at each other, and the young man groaned in pain, as if he was struggling. "I told him to leave...he shouldn't be here."

Seeing that the man in the cave was in a state of distress, probably fighting someone unknown, Jiāo raised her bound hands to her mouth and began to chew on the vines.

Kexin looked at Jiāo and said in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

Jiāo didn't answer Kexin and continued to bite the vine. When she realized that the vine was thin enough, she used her internal strength to pull it away with one hand, breaking the vine. She rushed to Kexin, pulled out the dagger beside her, and cut off the vines that bound Kexin's hands and feet. After a long night, the two girls finally broke free from the vines that bound them, and ran to the entrance of the cave, only to see that the entrance of the cave was already covered with thick vines full of thorns.

Kexin looked at Jiāo frighteningly. "What are we going to do now?" She asked.

Jiāo raised her palm, and a powerful energy ray shot at the vines, but it was of no avail. Jiāo realized that her internal force was not strong enough to break through the magic vines. She looked at the vines, then at Kexin, and said, "We have to find a way to get out of here." She pointed to her left. "Let's go this way."

Bailong's patience was not as grand as he would like, so without getting an answer that he liked, he looked at his son and said, "Crush her."

Michio hurried forward and said, "Please, this dear sir, she may not know where your son is, but if we ask her calmly, she may be able to tell us."

Bailong looked at Michio and asked, "Who are you?"

Michio said, "I am Michio…"

Bailong blinked at his son, and his son crushed the vine women into pieces.

Bailong said, "I don't have time for a judge and jury trial." He looked back at his son. "Destroy everything you see and bring your brother back safely."

The eight youths bowed and said, "Yes, father."