Chapter 79 The City Of Warrior Part 15

When they approached the gate of Magior's capital, the group saw eight men in white clothes standing in front of the huge stone gate, and two ten-foot-high stone statues guarding the gate.

Abrafo looked at Yul and said, "Should we introduce ourselves?"

Yul said, "Let's not fight if we don't have to."

Abrafo said, " I don't want to fight either, and if they play nice, I will play nice."

Yul turned to Hajime and said, "You wait here. Abrafo and I will go see who those people are?"

Hajime said, " Let's go together."

Lixin said, "I agreed with Hajime."

Yul said, " Just in case, if we fight them, you two can still support us."

Lixin looked at Yul and said, "You are such an excellent leader. Let us never meet on the battlefield."

Yul said, "If you don't invade our kingdom, then we will never meet on the battlefield."

Lixin chuckled and shook his head.

Yul turned to Hajime and said, "Stay here and be prepared, just in case something goes wrong."

Hajime nodded and said, "I understand... the two of you also be careful."

Yul and Abrafo walked ahead, leaving Hajime, Lixin, and Lixin's men a few hundred yards behind. When Yul and Abrafo approached the eight people, one of the brothers turned and looked at Yul and Abrafo.

Baide said, "Father, we have company."

Bailong said, " If they come to disturb us, then get rid of them."

Baiwen said, " Go and see what those two people want."

Baiming and Baichao said at the same time, "Yes, elder brother."

Baiming and Baichao walked to meet Yul and Abrafo. Baiming asked, " Is there anything I can do for you?"

Yul said, " We're looking for a friend of ours. We just wanted to ask if you happened to see our friend."

Baichao said, " We haven't seen anyone yet."

Folding his arms across his chest, Abrafo said, "It's really interesting ... because we saw his distress signal come from that place." He pointed to the capital.

Baiming and Baichao looked at each other, and then back at Yul and Abrafo. Baiming asked, " Do you know that monk?"

Abrafo grinned at Baiming and Baichao and said, "Yeah... we know the monk."

Baichao said, "He entered that door in order to persuade the person in charge of this forest to release the trapped soul and find his friends."

Baiming said, "My father gave him three hours before we burned this place to the ground."

Yul asked, " How long has he been there?"

Baichao said, "Maybe close to an hour now."

Yul looked at Baiming and Baichao. "If we want to follow our friend inside, would you two stop us?" he asked.

Baichao said, " "You can go, we will not stop you, within two hours, my father will burn this place down."

Yul and Abrafo walked back to Hajime, Lixin, and Lixin's subordinates, while Baichao and Baiming walked back to Bailong and the other brothers.

Baiwen asked, "What do they want?"

Baichao said, "They want to go after their friend."

Baiwen said, "So, the monk is their friend?"

Both Baichao and Baiming nodded.

Bailong looked at his eight sons and said, " Let them go. We will follow the plan. If that ghost refuses to let Baishui go, we will start burning this mountain to ashes." He looked at his sons. "We will start with that palace." He pointed to the capital ahead.

Yul looked at Hajime and said, "We are entering the capital to find the key and Michio. The two people we talked to said they will burn down the mountain within two hours."

Abrafo said, "The problem is, if we don't find Michio in time, we're likely to be burned with Michio."

Hajime looked at Yul and Abrafo and said, " So we only have two hours to find Michio before those people burn down the mountain?"

Yul said, " You stay here in case we don't come back on time."

Lixin stepped forward and said, "What do you need me to do?"

Abrafo teased, "Oh, are you willing to help us now?"

Lixin said, "I may be unreasonable sometimes, but I am not heartless."

Yul said, " The more people we have, the better our chances of finding Michio on time."

Hajime said, "If I had to, I'd stall as long as possible. The wolves and the panther will go with you."

Yul, Abrafo, Lixin jumped on the back of the black panther, and six of Lixin's subordinates jumped on the backs of the three wolves, leaving four of his subordinates and Hajime behind.

Hajime and Lixin's four subordinates watched the panther, and the three wolves disappeared into the small gap between the two stone door panels.

Hajime looked to the left, then turned to look at the four people standing beside him. He whispered, " If those people don't come back before they decide to burn the forest, remember to run into the city as soon as possible."

The four men nodded at Hajime.

Hajime said, " You can just wait for them here, I'll fly around and see if there is more than one fairy ring circle."

Hajime stretched out his hand, and two of the three eagles turned into wooden figures and flew back to Hajime's open right palm. He jumped on the eagle and flew into the sky. When Hajime flew high into the sky, he saw the second fairy ring circle.

Hajime muttered to himself, " It seems that there are indeed more than one, but why? What is the purpose of these circles?" Thinking of this, Hajime regretted sending U-ri out with the others. If U-ri stayed with them, U-ri might be able to shine some answers to Hajime's question.

Walking into the depths of the tall grass, walking behind Baishui and Jiāo, Kexin saw that the environment on both sides of the white light had changed several times. But the straight walk path that Baishui led them on did not change at all.

Kexin asked, " Jiāo, why is everything around us changing, but not here? "

Jiāo said, "It's because my master had made it that way."

Kexin asked, "Your master... is he some kind of warlock?"

Jiāo giggled and said, "He is more than a warlock, but if he is a warlock, he would be the rarest warlock you can find walking among mortals."

Kexin asked, "What is he?"

Jiāo said, "The Bai family has been the gatekeepers from many generations." She looked at Baishui's back. "One day, Master Baishui will also be a gatekeeper like his other brothers."

Kexin said, " So, that guy... your master has more brothers than himself. With this attitude, I thought he was an only child with no friends."

Jiāo laughed and said, "He has eight brothers."

Kexin said, "I also have many brothers and sisters, but I am closer to my third brother."

Jiāo smiled sadly and said, "Although I have no siblings, I have always regarded Master Baishui as my brother."

Kexin looked at Jiāo and said, "I haven't seen any maid who is as happy as you." She paused and continued. "Have you ever thought about leaving your master Baishui and becoming your own boss?"

Jiāo shook her head and said, "Never..."

Kexin asked, "Why?"

Jiāo said, "It's because Master Baishui is very kind to me, he is like my elder brother."

The two women followed U-ri and Baishui and continued talking.

U-ri turned to look at Baishui and said, "My dear sir, I haven't had time to thank you for saving us."

Baishui smiled warmly at U-ri, and said, " This is the least any friend can do for each other. When I am in danger, the four of you have helped me too."

'Have we saved him before? I don't even remember that we saved him.' U-ri thought to himself. U-ri smiled and said, "Like you said, that's what friends do for each other." He looked at the white light ahead. "May I ask why we are going in this direction?"

Baishui said, "Because my family is over there." He sighed. "I believe they are looking for me."

As the party approached the top of the hill, they began to see tall stone buildings. This scene made everyone excited and rushed to the top of the hill one after another. Once they reached the top of the hill, they could see from a distance that there were many people in white clothes standing in front of the huge city gate.

U-ri stroked his gray beard and said, "I believe the capital city of Magior is below."

Jin said, "My lady, General Lixin and others are heading there."

When Baishui saw nine people in white clothes standing in front of the stone gate, he knew that they were his father and his brothers. He looked at Jiāo who was startled by this scene. He smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, if father punishes one of us, usually that person is me."

U-ri saw Hajime's big eagle hovering over the city, and then he looked down and found a huge magic circle. 'That's the fairy ring circle of Tanzang, why did this magic circle appear here?' U-ri thought to himself. 'Could it be that the king of the north is the tenth king?'

Baishui looked at U-ri who was lost in thought. "Sir U-ri, what are you thinking?" Baishui asked.

U-ri cleared his throat and said, "Hmm... I was thinking what a strange circle there is down there." He pointed to the neatly arranged pile of stones at the foot of the hill.

Baishui asked, "Are you familiar with that circle?"

U-ri shook his head and said, "No... but it looks very similar to the deployment of our army when defending the city." He looked up at the sky and then at Baishui. "I believe Hajime is on that eagle." He looked at the people beside him. "Let's go down and join the others."