Chapter 81 The City Of Warriors Part 17

Walking alone in the empty palace, Michio didn't know where he should go. He knows that if Yul is here, he'll know better where to go to get the key because Yul is the one with the map, but maybe even if Yul is here, the map won't show them exactly where the key is. In the past two encounters, the map only showed where they could find the key, but not the exact location of the key.

Michio thinks he should check out the throne hall. He knew that every palace would have a throne hall. He looked around and finally found the largest room of all the rooms. He smiled and walked towards that room, convinced that this must be the throne hall.

Yul arrived at the gate of the palace first, and after waiting for a while Abrafo, Lixin, and Lixin's men appeared.

Abrafo asked, "Did you find anything?"

Yul shook his head and said, "This is where Michio marked his last known location, but Michio is nowhere to be found."

Abrafo said, "Maybe he went somewhere."

Lixin said, "Or something happened that caused him to escape from his marked position."

Yul said, "It's possible. I don't know, but I have a hunch that Michio might have entered that palace already." He pointed to the clean palace in front of him.

Abrafo put his hands on his hips and looked at the clean place ahead. He said, "I bet Michio must have entered that palace."

Lixin asked, "Are you sure?"

Abrafo said, "If I were Michio, I would go there for two reasons?"

Feng, a soldier of Lixin asked, "What are the reasons?"

Abrafo said, "Ask for help or find the key."

Yul said, "Let's go in and find Michio."

Jiāo and Kexin, who were sitting outside the city gate with U-ri, who had just finished painting the main entrance of the capital city of Magior.

Kexin said, "Wow, Sir U-ri, your drawing skills are unmatched. You are very detailed about everything."

U-ri smiled and said, "Anyway, I'm still second best."

Jiāo asked, "Really, is there anyone who can draw better than you?"

U-ri said with a smile, "Yes, the King of Tangzang's painting skills is better than mine." He continued to write down the details of what he saw. "One day, if we can save our kingdom from destruction, I would love to invite all of you to visit our kingdom."

Kexin said, "Look at these statues on the top of the wall, they are really accurately drawn." She pointed to a statue in U-ri journal. "Jiāo, look at this."

Kexin quickly grabbed U-ri, the two rolled to the left, as an arrow landed a few yards away from them.

Jiāo quickly stood in front of U-ri and Kexin and used magic to create a magic bubble around the three of them.

A few feet away, Jin and some soldiers were in an unprotected field. One of the arrows flew over and hit a soldier in the thigh. Jin rushed forward, trying to pull the wounded soldier to safety, when a volley of arrows was flying towards him. Just when he thought he was about to be pierced by an arrow, a green shield suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the incoming arrows.

Jin shouted to the soldiers, "Quickly! Crawl over here!"

The soldiers quickly crawled to where Jin and the wounded soldier were.

Jin saw another white shield not far away. Jin shouted, "Hajime! Is that you?"

Hajime shouted, "Yes, we are safe now." Hajime turned to look at the other four soldiers who were hiding with him. "Get ready to move to Captain Jin."

The soldiers nodded at him and stood behind Hajime.

"Hajime! Look!" shouted a soldier, pointing behind them.

Hajime turned around and found a wave of vines heading straight for them.

Hajime shouted, "Run…" Hajime and six soldiers ran towards Jin and the other soldiers. "Jin! Run in the direction of Uri now!"

Jin looked at one of the soldiers and said, "Help me carry him." He looked at the rest of the soldiers. "I noticed that every time the count reaches thirty, the next volley of arrows will shoot. We must take advantage of this time to run towards Lady Kexin and Sir U-ri."

The soldiers nodded.

Jin and a soldier put the wounded soldier's arms around their neck and look in the direction of U-ri and the two women. "Be Ready."

Jin and his men ran as fast as they could towards U-ri and the two women as the arrows fell beside them.

U-ri quickly took out the bangle on his wrist and threw it into the air. The bangle got bigger and fell to the ground, covering everyone.

Where Baishui, Baigang, and Baidu were, vines spewed out from the ground quickly rose into the air and dropped down to attack them. Baigang withdrew his power and created a crystal bubble to protect Baishui and Baidu.

Baishui looked back, only to see the wave of vines rushing towards the ground, and at this moment, they were attacking directly.

Baigang said, "Don't be distracted. I will take care of all these."

Seeing vines and arrows shooting at her ten masters, Jiāo felt extremely anxious. Kexin held Jiāo's hand and said, "Sister, they are the gatekeepers of our world, and they will definitely win."

Jiāo murmured, "I hope so…"

Hajime stood beside Jiāo and said, "Lady Kexin is right. I have confidence in them. Once they destroy the fairy ring circles, no matter who is behind the scenes, their power will be cut in half. With our combined strength, we will prevail."

Kexin looked up and saw the young man in the cave standing with the stone soldiers on the wall, looking down at them.

"Jiāo, look up there," Kexin said, pointing at the wall. "That's the man we saw sitting in that cave."

Jiāo raised her head and said, "Yes… what is he doing up there?"

Hajime asked, "Who is he?"

Jiāo said, "The vines dragged us into this cave. That man was inside the cave sitting on a rock with hundreds of vines clinging to him from the cave walls."

U-ri looked at Jiāo and Kexin, he asked, "Really... is he dead or alive?"

Jiāo said, "He looks like he is meditating, and he looks alive."

Kexin said, "He can also talk, but after Baishui entered the cave, he said he didn't see anyone."

Hajime looked up at the mysterious man standing with other stone soldiers who kept shooting arrows at them. At this moment, Hajime saw four huge magic arrays rising into the sky and falling suddenly. As soon as the four magic arrays landed, the surrounding ground shook violently, and a cloud of dust quickly enveloped around them.

The people hiding in the bangle waited for a long time before most of the dust dissipated.

Jiāo worriedly said, "I didn't see them. Are they safe or not?"

Hajime looked at the sky worriedly, his heart beating faster. 'They must be safe,' Hajime murmured inside his heart.

When the dust gradually dissipated, ten white dragons soared into the sky and shot magic beams of light at the stone soldiers on the city walls.

Jiāo and Kexin jumped up excitedly. "They did it," Jiāo and Kexin said at the same time.

Jiāo turned to Hajime and said with a smile, "They did it…"

The stone soldiers on the city wall were severely damaged and began to disintegrate slowly. Piece by piece, the stone fragments fell to the ground. Those vines that attacked them were also destroyed. The ten white dragons flew back to the ground to where the people hid inside the bangle.

Jin looked at Hajime and said, "Today really opened my eyes. Without everyone's help, we wouldn't be able to survive this battle."

Hajime said, "Without the help of you and your lord's, we wouldn't survive either, but the credit goes to Baishui and his family. Without their help, we would be finished." Hajime stretched out his right hand, and the bangle slowly fell onto his hand.

Jiāo hurriedly rushed forward to greet her masters. Jiāo asked, "Are any of you injured?"

Baiming said, "We're fine."

Baishan asked, "What about you?"

Jiāo said, "We're fine, it's just that one of us was shot in the leg."

Bailong turned to look at the city gate. He said, "Let's get inside the city."

Baishui asked, "Father, are you sure?"

"Whoever created this, their power has now been cut in half," Hajime said as he walked towards the father and sons. Following behind him were U-ri and the others. "With our combined strength, the culprit will surely surrender."

Bailong said, "I agree. Let's finish what we started."

Bailong took two steps forward, and a big, spiked stone ball was thrown towards him. With a single punch from Bailong's left fist, he smashed the spiked stone ball and shattered the spiked stone ball.

The sudden attack surprised everyone. When they looked up, they saw the two stone soldiers guarding the city gate slowly getting up, holding flails in each hand, and walking slowly towards the mortals and the dragons.