Chapter 105 Rapacious Part 5

Hamza looked in horror as the children gathered into the middle as Tu's soldiers swung their swords at the children. "Tu! You are inhuman! I curse you! I curse you!" he screamed in tears as the two soldiers held him down onto the ground.

The fathers and mothers of the children rushed forward but was badly beating by the soldiers, preventing them to rescue their children.

The children's scared cries resounded through the mountains and fall into dead ears as they parents were unable to help them. Just when the twenty soldiers swung their swords down at the children, twenty arrows flew over the huts and hit the soldier's head; killing instantly. The children held each other tightly crying hopelessly as the dead soldiers' body dropped to the ground.

Then suddenly a large magical ring fell down onto the children and surrounded the frighteningly children inside the magical ring. Then just as Tu was trying to figuring out what had just happened, magical ropes appear out of thin air wrapped themselves tightly around the soldiers that was beating the villager and the two soldiers that was hold Hamza to ground's neck. The soldiers dropped down their weapon as their hands trying to free their neck from the magical rope on their neck.

Slowly approaching the group of soldiers and villagers were twenty mages dressed in white robe. The mages standing in a line facing Tu's soldiers who were still trying to free themselves from the tight rope around their neck.

When Haneul and Sukh approached on horseback, the mages moved aside letting Haneul and Sukh passed them.

Hamza pushed himself up to see who had created just a sense. When he sat up, he saw Haneul and Sukh approaching him and the villagers. Hamza couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Haneul, he thought after the long four years of waiting Haneul might had forget about him and his people, but now standing in front of him was the very same man who came to his people and his rescue based on words.

"Hamza!" Haneul shouted. "Stand up! No Tanzanie bowed their head to anyone except to their King!"

The villagers looked at Haneul standing before them wearing his shiny armor.

"The Northern King..."

"The Northern King had come to our recues."

"The Norther King came to take us home."

The villagers muttered loudly as Haneul and Sukh's approached Hamza.

"Your majesty, please save our children."

Mother and father pleaded with their as they grovel at Haneul's feet.

"Please save our children."

Haneul looked at the villagers and then at Tu and his soldiers who had retreated some distance from the villagers and the soldiers whose neck was tied by the magic rope.

Haneul sighed and said fiercely, "Your King has arrival, no Tanzanie will die today." He rolled his eyes coldly at the soldiers struggling to breath in front of him. "Snap their neck."

Holding the magical rope inside their hands, the mages pulled the magical rope apart and the head of the soldiers fell onto the ground.

"You... you..." Tu said with a shaky voice.

Haneul looked at Tu and scoffed happily. "Was it you, who say you do not fear this people's pathetic king." He pointed his spear at Tu.

Lan Huan's vines stop just before Dong's face as the scream of pain from Liliing echoed inside the Thorne Hall. Lan Huan looked at the blood dripping from Ming's neck onto Saja's blade. Lan Huan gritted her teeth and was unable to strike Dong because she knew that the moment her vines pierce Dong, that moment would also be the end of Ming; her godson and her master most precious possession.

Dong smirked at Lan Huan and said, "I will let them live if you serve under me.

Lan Huan said, "I'm forbidding of severing under two masters."

Dong smirked and nodded at Saja. Saja took his sword from Ming's throat, flipped the sword around and stabbed his sword directly into Liling's left shoulder blade.

Lan Huan felt her heart burst in pain. She screamed in pain holding her left chest and felt to the floor.  Since she had sign the blood contract with Liling, which mean they shared the same fate and pain, the only difference between Liling and her were she was able to heal herself and Liling can't.  As the pain tears her heart apart and as she watched Liling gasping for air underneath Saja's left foot.

"Ling!" Jianjun screamed, rushing forward towards Liling with his swords killing the anyone soldiers lunged at him.

Zoya gathered the last of her energy, summoning a single vine directly at Saja who was a few feet away from her unknowing if the vine actually strikes Saja or not.

Due to Zoya sudden attack, Saja quickly moved Ming and himself a few feet away his previous spot which created an opportunity for Jianjun to swung his sword at Saja. Saja raised his sword to blocked Jianjun's attack and Jianjun grabbed onto Ming and pushed Ming towards Feng and Zoya.

Saja saw that Ming would get away, so he drew his dagger from his belt sash and threw it at Ming's back, knocking Ming to the ground.

The soldiers inside the Thorne Hall began attacking again and the people begun running for their live.

Feng picked Ming up in her arms, rushed to Zoya and said, "Little prince you will be fine. Zoya, grab my robe."

Zoya grabbed Feng's sleeve and Feng rushed out of the Thorne Hall with Feng and Ming in her arms.

With swords pointing at his neck, Jianjun pulled Liling into his arms. He wiped the blood from Liling's mouth and smiled down at her with tears.

"I had always believed we will defeat fate, but I was wrong," Jianjun said wit tears. "But I never regret any moment I share with you."

Dong laughed loudly and walked up to Jianjun, the old Emperor and the Empress.  He looked at the old Emperor and the Empress, he said, "Display their head at the gate of the palace."

The soldiers quickly dragged the old Emperor and Empress away from the Thorne Hall.

Dong said, "Now is your turn."  He looked madly at Jianjun.  "If you would love my daughter just a little bit and make her empress of Magior, this would never happen, but it was your selfishness that ultimately led to your own demise.  You cannot blame others but  yourself.  Since you never regard me as your distance uncle or father in law, I shall not regard you as a son in law."

Liling looked at Jianjun and try open her mouth, but she had no voice. With tears she said in her heart, "Huan, as your master this is your last order, you must protect Jianjun with everything you have."

Jianjun smiling down at Liling which make Dong even more angry, he grabbed the back of Jianjun's hair and thrusted his sword into Liling's heart and silt Jianjun's throat. 

Killing Jianjun's has not relived a bit of his anger, so he began chopping Jianjun's head off.  After Jianjun's head was competently chopped off, Dong shouted at Lan Huan, "Priestess Lan, why have someone as weak as her as your master." He held Jianjun's head proudly showing Jianjun's head to Lan Huan.  Then he tossed Jianjun's head down towards Lan Huan.

Lying on the cold ground watching Jianjun's head rolling towards her, Lan Huan felt her heart being tearing apart, she suddenly felt alone once more as she watched the two person who were nicest to her being kill before her eyes. She had always thought that if she found a master who is kind, her outcome will be better than the first time, but no matter what she will never escape her faith. The word that that Bailong said echoed in her ears "where she goes, death follow'. It's not her fault that she had such ill fate, but she knew in her heart that Liling is the last master she will ever serve. She turned to looked at Liling as Liling's arm suddenly dropped down and she felt so much empty inside.

Lan Huan wants to scream but she could. She wants to runs away, but she knew that although she escape's today ill fate, another ill fate is waiting for her in the future. Lan Huan raised her right hand up into the air and summoned all her vines suing the last energies he has.

"Tear to pieces the one who summoned you," she whispered, then closed her eyes as thousands of vines rushed over to take their toll on her. "The ancestral souls of the dead hear my call, and I summon your souls, and the souls of those who will perish today. With the power of the Enteral Flame that reaches deep into the core of my life source. May you awaken to claim these souls and serve our Lord."

The people inside the Thorne Hall watched in horror as Jianjun's head slowly rolled upward to Jianjun's dead body.  Jianjun's dead body suddenly sat up, picked up his head with both hands.  He placed his head back on his neck and his neck quickly fused back with his body. 

Jianjun slowly walked down the stair to where Lan Huan was laying bleeding down on the floor.  "You were unwilling to scarfied those people back then, why are you willing to do it today," Jianjun looked down at Lan Huan with a smile on his face.

Lan Huan gasped and said, "Master... forgive this slave."

Jianjun looked at Lan Huan and said, "I forgive.  Your death today and all the souls inside this city will make me stronger and closer to break free from my prison cell."  He turned to looked Dong and the others and smiled at them.  "Peasants... Run."