Chapter 107 Rapacious Part 8

The wind blew silently, rushing against Haneul's face. He looked at Lan Huan, who was standing a few feet away from him, and reached out to take the sword. Lan Huan's words sent shivers down Haneul's spine. He looked back at Sukh, who was standing a few meters away from him. The hidden meaning in Lan Huan's words made him wonder what would happen to Sukh in the future. He remembered that Zoya had mentioned something similar to what Lan Huan had said to him before. 

Haneul walked up to Lan Huan and said, "I know you can predict the future. Tell me if anything will happen to Sukh in the future." 

Lan Huan looked at Haneul and said, "Once the snow turns red, your tears will turn red too. When the tears you shed turn red, you will understand why I am standing opposite you today." 

The survivors were angry hearing the tone in which Lan Huan spoke to Haneul. The survivors rushed forward, stood behind Haneul, and began to curse and shout at Lan Huan. 

"Witch! Give us our family's lives back." 

"Wicked witch!" 

"You evil doom us all." 

"I curse you to never be born again and to burn in the deepest depths of hell." 

The survivors screamed, cursed, and shouted at Lan Huan, but they had no effect on Lan Huan. Lan Huan still stood there, waiting to see if Haneul would hand the sword to her. She knew that without the stone on the sword's pommel, Jianjun's body would rot within seven days. 

Lan Huan ignored the survivors' curses and focused on Haneul. "Crown Prince Jianjun and my master helped the people you left behind for so many years. As a friend of His Highness, it is not too much to ask for your sword," Lan Huan said. "If you feel that friendship is not enough for you to give up the sword, then consider it as repaying back His Highness's kindness to you and your people." 

Haneul moves forward but is stopped by Zoya. "Don't give her your sword. You will need that stone later," Zoya said. "Once you give it to her, if she is not willing to give it back to you, you will never get it back. This stone may not be important to you now, but it will be one of the most important items to you in the future." 

Haneul looked at Lan Huan and then at Zoya. He felt deep regret and hurt that he came too late and failed to save Jianjun and Jianjun's family. Although he knew Zoya's intentions were good, the guilt in his heart became even heavier. Haneul said, "The stone may be needed in the future, but Prince Jianjun needs it now. If one day I really need to enter No Man's Land..." He turned to looked at Sukh. Even if Sukh didn't express his thoughts, Haneul already knew that Sukh agreed with his decision just by looking at Sukh's expression. He chuckled and turned to look at Zoya. "If we cross that bridge in the future, we'll discuss it then." He holds Zoya's hand. "I am very grateful for your good intentions toward me and the people." 

Zoya said, "What else can I say to make you reconsider the action you are about to take." 

Haneul said, "My decision is final." 

Zoya sighed and shook her head. "Although I don't agree with your decision, the sword and stone have been given to you, and you have the final say." 

Haneul walked up to Lan Huan. He said, "Lady Lan, it's still too late to break the curse. Everyone makes mistakes." 

Lan Huan said, "It's too late now. If I lift the spell, the prince will die. I promise my master that I will do my best to keep the prince breathing." She looked at Haneul. " Of all the people standing here, you should know best what it means to keep your word." 

Haneul glanced at the sword again, then threw the sword to Lan Huan. Lan Huan turned around and started to walk away. 

"Huan!" Haneul yelled. "No matter what you do, I still regard you as a friend. As a friend, don't consume any more souls." 

Lan Huan has never heard Haneul call her "Huan". She turned around and looked at Haneul. "Your Highness, King of the North, don't rush to make decisions because of the man behind you, otherwise, your ending will be the same as that of Magior City." 

Haneul said, "Take care of yourself." 

Lan Huan smiled at Haneul and said, "I'm living among the dead now, so what else do I have to worry about. On the contrary, you take care of yourself." 

Haneul watched Lan Huan disappear into the black mist, and he turned to look at Sukh and others. "It's time to go home." He smiled at Sukh. 

Sukh said, "Let's go back to find the villagers." 

Haneul looked at the survivors and said, "If any of you want to go to Tangzang with us, you are welcome to go." 

Zoya said, "General, it's time to put down those dirt humanoid figures." 

Sukh placed the three dirt humanoid figures on the ground and watched them slowly evaporate. Two huge statues slowly appeared in front of the city gate, each holding a flail. Sukh looked up at the city gate. Standing handsomely holding his sword on the city wall was a replica of Haneul. 

After the villagers left, Haneul, Sukh, Zoya, and the mages finally left the capital and walked towards the main road. At the crossroads, Zoya suddenly stopped. 

Haneul turned around and said, "Zoya, what's wrong?" 

Zoya said, "I will not go to Tangzang with you." 

Haneul asked, "Why?" 

Zoya said, " There are two reasons why I should stay." 

Haneul asked, "What two reasons?" 

Zoya said, "The first reason, I know Huan made a mistake, she didn't mean it, but at the same time, if no one protects the capital, I'm afraid people will walk into the cursed land unknowingly. Also, Huan and I are the last of our kind. I don't want to leave her behind. I want to be here to tell her that she is not alone because I am still here to accompany her." 

Haneul asked, "Then what is your second reason for staying?" 

Zoya said, "I will stand guard and not let anyone get close to the city." 

Haneul said, "I respect your decision. As long as you are ready, Tangzang will welcome you at any time." He chuckled. "Since age has no effect on you, I think this may be the last time we see each other." 

Zoya smiled at Haneul and said, "If our fates intersect, we will meet again." 

Haneul and Sukh watched as Zoya walked to the left towards the cave, Haneul turned to Sukh and took Sukh's hand. 

Haneul smiled and said, "No matter what happens in the future...I will." 

Sukh quickly interrupted Haneul and said, "Promise me that no matter what happens in the future, you will not put my life above other people's lives." 

Haneul asked, "Why?" 

Sukh said, "Because every life walking on this land, no matter how big or small, is equally important." He looked at Haneul. "Promise me." 

Haneul sighed heavily and said, "Okay...I promise." 

(End Of Flashback) 

"So, that's why you decided to stay?" U-ri said. "That's a huge sacrifice you make." 

Zoya said, "As long as it is for the benefit of the people, no sacrifice is too big or too small." 

Michio said, "I agreed."  He looked at Zoya.  "Lady Zoya, then King Haneul did not suddenly appear, destroy Magior City and then disappear overnight?"

Zoya burst out laughing. "Who told you that?"

U-ri said, "Everyone told us this same story."

Zoya said, "His Highness came to Magior City to fulfill his promise to Hamza. His Highness arrived just in time on the day of the incident, but His Highness' timing was really good, unless the death toll would have been higher than the few thousands inside the capital city."

Yul looked at Zoya and said, "My lady, Lady Lan has lifted the curse. The land has returned to normal. The palace no longer exists; therefore, you have no reason to continue living here. Now you are free to go wherever you want." 

Zoya said, " I want to go to Tangzang. I want to see the people and land of the great Tangzang Kingdom. I want to see the land built by His Highness." 

Yul said, " I advise you not to travel to Tangzang until we have the White Dragon Tail to purify this land." 

Zoya asked, "Why do you say that?" 

Yul said, "Because His Highness, King Haneul, offended the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven created a black hole to destroy Tangzang Kingdom within twenty years."

Zoya sighed with a heavy heart. "So, my prediction hundreds of years ago has come true." 



U-ri said, "How about you go to the south? I heard that the weather in the south is very good. After we complete the task, we will go visit Baishui in Dreake City." 

Abrafo said, "U-ri is right, you can wait for us there. When Tangzang is safe, we will pick you up from Dreake City and return to Tangzang." 

Hajime said, "Why don't you come with us? With your ability, you can help us." 

Zoya smiled and shook her head. "I have spent my life in the service of others, and I will take Sir U-ri's advice and visit Dreake City." 

Abrafo said, "How do you get there without transportation?" 

Zoya smiled and said, "Although I am old, my ability is not zero." She picked up a leaf, kissed it, and then threw the leaf to the ground. The leaf slowly turned into a green horse standing in front of her. She jumped on her horse and smiled at the five Tanzanies. "I predict that although the journey is difficult and dangerous, the five of you will make it to the end. I will wait for you in Dreake City." 

The five Tanzanies watched Zoya disappeared in a distance. 

Hajime turned and looked at Yul. " Abrafo said the map already shows us our new destination?"  he asked.

Yul took out the map and handed it to Hajime. "Our next destination is Misnix Kingdom, the mist city of the Phoenix," Yul said. 

Saja was kicked to the ground a few feet away from Lixin. Lixin looked at Saja angrily and said, "Where are the five Tanzanies?" 

Saja coughed up a mouthful of blood and said, "I don't know."

Lixin said madly, "Break his fingers starting from the thumb of his left hand." 

Saja pleaded, " please...I don't know where they went." 

"I know where they went." Zoya's voice came from the front door. 

Lixin and his men looked towards the door and saw Zoya walking towards them. 

Saja looked up and his face turned pale. "Zo...Zo..Zoya..." 

Lixin stood up and said, "You know where they went." 

Zoya said, "Yes, but you have to do something for me first." 

Lixin asked, "What do you want?" 

Zoya rolled her cold eyes at Saya, pointing at Saja, gritted her teeth and said, "I want to see if inside his chest, there is a heart or not."