Chapter 133 Into The Phoenix Chamber Part 13

The five Tanzanies and Bong rode on the back of the wolf and followed the black hawk slowly through the woods and bushes.

"Hey...why do you hate me so much?" Abrafo asked. Bong refused to answer and decided to stay quiet. "I just want to know what I did to offend you. I just want us to be friends. Now that we are in Scattered Forest, we can no longer be friends, but outside of Scattered Forest, we can still be friends. There are many benefits being friends with me."

Bong gritted his teeth and said, "Shut your mouth and stop talking, or I will stick a knife in your throat and stop you from talking."

Abrafo chuckled and said, "Is this how you talk to the person who just saved your life?"

Bong sighed and said madly, "I have never asked you for help."

Abrafo chuckled, "Hahaha...was it you who was calling for help."

Bong said, "Even if I called for help, I didn't specifically ask for your help."

Abrafo said, "You remind me of someone I know."

Bong asked, "Who?"

Abrafo said, "A man I never want to see again."

Bong scoffed and said, "Don't hope too early, maybe you will meet that person sooner than you think."

Abrafo said, "I don't want to have anything to do with that person. He doesn't seem to like me very much. Huh... if you think about it, he hates me as much as you do."

Bong said, "You are not a likeable person, so... ha..." When Bong saw a dead man leaning on a tree by the roadside, he quickly hugged Abrafo tightly.

Yul suddenly stopped and looked around. There were bloodstains everywhere, and a large area ahead was littered with human remains.

Yul turned around and said, "Be alert."

The smell of rotting human flesh that permeated a large area made Bong vomited. "What's going on here?" he asked, vomiting again.

Abrafo grabbed the handkerchief and said, "Put it over your mouth."

Bong let go of Abrafo waist and said, "I don't need it."

The black hawk flew to the right, and there was a green tree standing in front of the huge and tall mountain wall. The black hawk landed on the tree.

"Over there!" U-ri said, pointing to his right. "That tree is exactly like the one at our house."

The Tanzaines and Bong looked to the right. While the rest of the forest is gray and black, one tree stands brightly against the mountain wall.

Hajime said, "Is that the entrance to the Phoenix Chamber?"

Yul said, "Let's look. Everyone, be careful."

The three wolves passed through the human flesh on the ground and continued towards the green shiny tree. As soon as they reached the tree, the black hawk flew back to Hajime's palm and transformed back into a wooden figure. Infront of the five Tanzanies and Bong stood a narrow mountain pass with a tall, large stone arch and standing in the middle was a large mirror.

The five Tanzanies and Bong got off the wolves and stood in front of the mountain pass. Yul looked at Hajime and asked, "Do you think that is the entrance to the Phoenix Chamber?"

Hajime said, "My hawk has never been wrong. That's where the little feather he brought back came from." Hajime turned to Yul and the others. "I'll go first. If I need help." He smiled. "I'll scream."

Yul said, "Michio, you go with Hajime. If this is the entrance to the Phoenix Chamber send us the signal."

Hajime and Michio jumped on the wolf's back and slowly disappeared into the mirror.

As soon as Hajime and Michio entered the arc, the scene before them changed. Both mountains that stood several meters apart, are covered in feathers of different colors. The gray world has become bright and colorful, and even the air surrounding the two Tanzanies is longer dirty but fresh.

A few feet in front of Hajime and Michio stood a forest lined with green trees. Hajime and Michio looked ahead and saw many peacocks soaring in the clear sky.

Hajime turned to Michio and smiled. "We found the Phoenix Chamber," he said excitedly.

Michio turned toward the entrance and sent out a talisman. The single talisman vanished into the dark mountain pass behind Michio.

Michio looked at Hajime and said, "I'm going to scout ahead first. You can wait here for the others." He pointed to his left. "I'll go that route."

Bong paced back and forth and asked, "How long will it take for us to know that this is the entrance to the Phoenix Chamber?"

Abrafo said, "We don't know yet, we have to wait for Michio and Hajime."

Bong looked at Abrafo and said, "So, that white-haired man's name is Hajime. Is he the strongest person on your team?"

Abrafo said, "There are no weaklings in our team."

Bong scoffed and said, "The only person I think is stupid is you." He turned around. "Maybe you are weak, but you don't want to admit it."

Abrafo was about to argue with Bong when he spotted Michio's talisman floating towards them.

Yul quickly grabbed the floating talisman and crumbled the talisman in his fist. "Let's go," Yul said.

Abrafo chuckled. "He found it. Well done, Hajime," Abrafo said with a smile.

Yul and U-ri walked quickly ahead. Just as Abrafo was about to follow Yul and U-ri, he noticed that Bong did not follow them.

"Why are you still standing there... Come on," Abrafo said. "You haven't had enough of this place?"

Bong turned to looked at Abrafo and said madly, "Piss off. Go away." He reached into his robe and took out a flare.

Abrafo quickly grabbed Bong's hand. "What the hell are you doing?"

Bong said, "I'm sending a signal to my teammates."

U-ri turned around and said, "You can't do that. The moment the flare goes up; dead men will be upon us."

Bong said, "So you'd better enter the Phoenix Chamber, before the dead men rush in." He quickly pulled the rope and sent three consecutive signals to the flat sky.

Abrafo rushed over frantically and grabbed Bong's hand. "You crazy bastard. I didn't save you just so you could kill me and my friends."

Bong shouted angrily, "Get your dirty hands off me, you low life."

Bong and Abrafo struggled back and forth, holding each other's hands as the roar of the dead slowly emerged from the woods.

Bong felt Abrafo's hands clench, so he punched Abrafo, but Abrafo grabbed his hand, and Abrafo hit Bong in the face, pushing Bong to the ground.

When Bong looked up at Abrafo, Abrafo noticed that Bong's beard had fallen to one side. He quickly bent down and pulled the fake beard off Bong's chin.

Abrafo was in shock. "It''s... you."

Bong pulled out his dagger and jumped towards Abrafo. "Go to hell you bastard!"

Abrafo slid aside as Bong thrust his dagger at Abrafo. Abrafo quickly grabbed Bong's hand. "Stop!"

Bong gritted his teeth and said, "I will stop when you are dead."

Abrafo smiled and said, "That night... I remember you died several times under my body."

"Ahh..." Bong screamed in anger.

The screams of Bong echoed throughout the mountain, attracting more dead men.

Yul turned back and saw many dead men rushing towards them from a distance. He sighed and said, "Abrafo, leave him."

Abrafo pushed Bong to the ground and quickly rushed towards Yul while dead men slowly approached the entrance.

Lixin and his men waited patiently on the branches, wondering if it was time to go down now, because there were more dead men on the ground eating the flesh of the dead. In the distance, three loud bangs echoed through the forest.

When the flares lit up the sky, Jin looked at Lixin and said, "My lord, is this our distress signal?"

Shi asked in a low voice, "How did our distress signal come from over there?"

Heng asked, "My lord, besides us, have you hired anyone else?"

Lixin said, "No." He sighed because he was sure that the person who sent the distress signal was probably Bong. "It's Prince Bong."

Shi was shocked. "But His Highness is not supposed to be here?"

Lixin sighed and said, "I think he found the entrance to the Phoenix Chamber."

Heng said, "But there are still dead people down there."

Lixin said, "Feng, Heng, you two go down first, followed by Jin and Shi. Shi, charge straight ahead, don't attack."

Shi nodded.

Jin, Feng, and Heng slid to the ground along the rope. As soon as they landed, many dead men rushed over.

Lixin and Shi were the second to come down from the tree, Shi heading straight for the flare signal, and Lixin rushing toward the head of a dead man heading for Heng.

"Go! Follow Shi!" Lixin shouted.

Other participants also jumped down from the branches and started attacking the dead men with Lixin, Jin, and Feng.

Gang and Shik took advantage of the dead men's attack on Lixin and his three guards, quickly climbed down the tree and chased Heng and Shi.

One participant took out a fire talisman and threw it at the oncoming group of the dead. When the fire reaches the ground. The incoming dead men stopped moving forward.

"They're afraid of fire," the participant shouted. He threw two more fire talismans on the ground and chased after the others. "Lord Lixin, let's go."

A female participant fell to the ground when she was attacked by three dead men. Instead of rushing forward, Lixin quickly knocked down the two dead men in front of him and then rushed straight towards the female participant who fell to the ground.

Lixin swung his sword at the two dead men who were approaching the fallen woman and pushed them back several feet away from Lixin. Lixin grabbed the woman's back collar, pulled her back, jumped forward, and chopped off the heads of two dead men. At the same time, three more dead men rushed towards Lixin.

"Lord Lixin!" The woman shouted.

Lixin turned to the woman and shouted, "Go!" He grabbed a piece of wood, threw it at the three approaching dead men, and then rushed towards the other participants.