Chapter 134 Into The Phoenix Chamber Part 14

A large wave of dead men rushing towards the passage. Seeing that Bong still did not follow him, Abrafo quickly rushed back, kicked Bong's sword off Bong's hand, grabbed Bong's collar, and dragged Bong chasing after Yul and U-ri.

"Let go of me!" Bong shouted, trying to break free from Abrafo's grasp.

Abrafo refused to let go and continued to drag Bong towards the passageway. "Listen, you stupid moron. I don't like being around you just as much as you don't like being around me, but if I must drag your ass around to save your life, I'll do whatever I can," he gritted out. "But in the end, if you prefer to be eaten alive by those things... please be my guest."

Bong held Abrafo's wrist tightly and said, "I would rather be torn apart by the dead than accept your help. Sooner or later, I will end your life with my own hands."

Bong continued to yell at Abrafo as Abrafo continued to drag him away. As they entered the Phoenix Chamber, Abrafo had had enough of Bong's verbal attacks.

"I've had enough of your stupidity!" Abrafo shouted angrily, pushing Bong back. "You can die if you want! I've had enough of you." He started to walk away.

Bong looked at Abrafo and suddenly realized that he had entered the Phoenix Chamber. If Lixin cannot find the entrance, he will find a pure phoenix egg for Lixin. His only purpose in entering the Phoenix Chamber was to help Lixin become the Phoenix General. He sighed, thinking that maybe now he would be a bigger person, put aside his pride for a while, and slowly follow Abrafo.

Hajime was sitting next to a boulder, eating purple fruit, waiting for his friends. Since Hajime and Michio have different agendas, Michio has scouted ahead to find the key to No Man's Land. When Hajime heard Abrafo's shouts, he turned his head to the left and saw Yul and U-ri walking towards him, followed by Abrafo and Bong. 

When Yul approaches, Hajime throws a purple fruit at Yul. He smiled and said, "It tastes better than the dry food we brought." He stood up and handed U-ri another purple fruit.

Yul looked at the strange fruit and asked, "Where is Michio?"

Hajime took another bite of the fruit in his hand and said, "Michio went that way." He pointed to his right.

"Who knew there was a hidden oasis in this deadly forest," U-ri said, taking a bite of the purple fruit. "Very juicy and sweet." He turned to Hajime. "It tastes like pineapple, but sweeter." He walked quickly to the small fruit tree, took out his sketchbook, and quickly drew the small fruit tree. "I wonder if these special trees can grow in Tangzang, if we save some seeds." He continued to draw the fruit tree.

Abrafo walked up to Yul and looked at the beautiful green forest in front of him. "Since Michio went that way, we should go the other way," Abrafo said. "Do you want to go left or center?"

Yul said, "You choose first."

Abrafo said, "Last time I went left, and it didn't work out for me. I'm going to take the middle path this time."

Hajime said, "U-ri and I will go to the right." He lowered down his voice. "Michio and I found another road to the right. From where we stood, we could only see the top of an old fortress on the other side of the mountain. That's where U-ri and I will be heading."

Abrafo said, "Do you think there will be a pure phoenix egg or a key to No Man's Land there?"

U-ri walked up to the three of them and said, "Maybe it's nothing, just an abandoned fortress."

Yul said, "We only have thirteen days, so let's make every hour count."

Hajime handed two talismans to Yul and Abrafo. "Michio said that the red one is for help. The blue one is for if you find one of the two items we are looking for." Yul and Abrafo took the two talismans. "This is our meeting place." He reached into the cross bag and took out two wooden figures. "Just in case you need help. They can run faster than your feet."

Yul picked up the wooden figure from Hajime's hand and said, "Be careful. There might be many traps hidden in that ancient fortress."

Hajime said, "I know, but it might be less dangerous than your reconnaissance in the forest. U-ri, let's go."

Yul watched Hajime and U-ri slowly disappear, then he turned to Abrafo. "Good luck," he said, walking to the left.

Abrafo turned around and saw Bong standing far away from him. "Go where you want, but don't follow me," he said and walked into the forest.

Bong rolled his cold eyes at Abrafo and said, "Who wants to follow you." He knelt beside the boulder, picked up some rocks, and quickly marked all directions for Lixin. He stood up and followed Hajime and U-ri to the right.

Jin hid behind the woods, looked at Lixin and said, "That must be where the signal came from."

Heng asked, "How can we overcome this?" He turned to look at Shi. "You said they have poor eyesight, right?"

Shi nodded.

Lixin said, "Burning them means burning ourselves. If we forcefully break in, there will be casualties. We can't wait for them to disperse now. Time is running out."

Shik asked, "What suggestions does Lord Lixin have?"

Lixin closed his eyes and thought for a while. "Fight our way in," he said. "If we wait any longer, we will be poisoned, but we need more manpower than the ten of us."

Gang said, "With the loud explosions and marking flares, I'm pretty sure other participants will be coming this way soon." He looked back and saw many people walking towards them.

Shi quickly backed away and looked at the people walking towards them. He whispered, "Quiet, the dead are blocking our way into the Phoenix chamber."

Lixin walked up to the people and said, "There is less than an hour before the Scattered Forest poison affects us. We need to work together to get rid of those dead people and enter the Phoenix Chamber."

"How do you know that over there is the entrance to the Phoenix Chamber?"

"Yeah, what if it's another trap that you are luring us in to get rid of us?"

Shi said madly, "Are you saying that Lord Lixin is a liar?"

"That's not what he meant," one woman said. "We just escaped from a group of dead men because another group lured us into a trap while they were escaping."

Hai walked out of the crowd and said, "I believe in Lord Lixin. Han, the man with me was rescued by a group of five people. Three men, an old man, and the white-haired man. They head that way." He looked at the people and pointed in the direction of the large group of dead men. "You have also seen that those five people are the ones on the eagle's back. I will say right now that among us, they are the toughest opponents yet. If they enter the Phoenix Chamber first, it means that by now, they may have already found the pure phoenix egg."

Gang walked up to Lixin and asked, "Do you know them?"

Lixin asked, "Why do you think so?"

Gang said, "Because those eagles came back for you and your men. So, tell us, who are they?"

Lixin said, "The origins of these five people are unknown. They are currently participating in this competition on behalf of the Lai family. Once, my men and I are fighting alongside them in Magior City."

Gang asked, "Did you hire them to help you get this title?"

Shi said irritably, "Your Highness, with our Lord's capabilities, why should he hire someone to fight on his behalf?"

Shik said angrily, "How dare you speak to His Highness in such a tone, or even question His Highness, you slave?"

Shi said, "Shik, have you forgotten that once His Highness enters Scattered Forest, his royal status is no more. I believe everyone here has heard these exact words."

Lixin scoffed and rolled his cold eyes at Gang. "Your Highness, you are thinking too much. The person who hired them is the Lai family." He turned around. "If you want to stand here and play judge and jury while breathing in poison, then go ahead. If you want a chance at entering the Phoenix Chamber and survive, then help me kill those dead men."

Lixin drew his sword and walked ahead. Following Lixin were four of Lixin's subordinates and twenty participants. The group of twenty-five people walked towards the entrance of Phoenix Chamber, which was already blocked by hundreds of dead men.

Hai walked past the other participants, Gang, and Shik. He drew his sword and said, "What are you waiting for? Would you rather try your luck here than inside?"

The rest of the participants looked at each other and decided to follow Hai towards Lixin and the others.

Shik looked at Gang and asked, "Your Highness, shall we go with them?"

Gang sighed and said, "It's too late to get out of this forest now. We don't have enough time to find the exit. I want to see the skills of the great Lord Lixin. Let's see if his skills are as good as many claims."

In the dark cave illuminated by the light of ice crystals, Baiwen looked at the large chunks of ice floating in front of him. He looked at Bailong and said, "Father, using your power to seal the cracks can only temporarily stop the cracks, but it cannot repair them."

Bailong sighed and said, "I know." 

Baiwen asked, "What should we do?"

Bailong said, "In two months, the nine tribes will hold a meeting, and I will put this issue on the table."

Baiwen said, "The eight tribes didn't want to talk about this issue at all the last time."

Bailong said, "This time is different. They know what will happen if the Son of Fire walks out of this cave."