Chapter 140 Into The Phoenix Chamber Part 20

After breakfast, Abrafo, Michio and U-ri packed their backpack and watched Lixin and Lixin's men separated into two group. Just when Shi was about to enter the tunnel with Lixin, Abrafo quickly rushed forward grabbed Shi's hand.

Shi quickly pulled his hand away, but Shi's hand was tightly held by Abrafo. "What are you doing?" Shi asked madly.

Abrafo smiled and placed a talisman on Shi's hand. "This might help you during tough hour," he said. "I didn't mean any harm."

Shi looked at Abrafo and said, "Then thanks." He pulled his hand away and quickly chased after Lixin into the farthest tunnel on the right.

Abrafo walked back to Michio and U-ri. "Let's go," he said. He pointed to one of the tunnels. "I'll take this one."

Michio said, "Then U-ri and I will take this one."

Abrafo turned back and saw Bong standing watching them. He shook his head and went into the tunnel.

Bong stood there for a bit before he slowly follows U-ri and Michio with the three participants.

Shik looked at Gang and asked, "Your Highness, which way should we go."

Gang said, "Just take the tunnel that no one is going in." He turned to Hai. "Do you want to go with us?"

Hai said, "I will go with you."

Gang, Shik, and Hai took the tunnel next to Abrafo, while the other participants went into the rest of the tunnel.

The Tunnel that Abrafo went seem to be just a normal tunnel, Abrafo though to himself that the tunnel seems like it was manmade. He did looked back to see if Bong had followed him, but to his surprise Bong did not follow him.

Abrafo connected to venture further into the tunnel dark tunnel. He was not sure which way to go because after he walked for sometime, he found that there are many connected tunnel. He didn't know which one to take so along the way, he mark his way just to be on the safe side if he get lost inside the tunnel.

He took some golden powder and smeared it on the wall. The golden powder glowed bright inside the dark tunnel. He scoffed. "Good invention U-ri," Abrafo say as he took a left turn.

Michio and U-ri walked for a long time before they came to a end of the tunnel. Michio turned around and said, "The tunnel end here."

U-ri looked over to see just a wall with no other connection tunnel. "What a bummer." U-ri frowned. "Well, I guess we have to go back and mark this tunnel."

U-ri turned around and Michio follow U-ri, when they got to halfway they met Bong.

U-ri asked, "Prince Bong... you are following us instead of Lord Lixin?"

Bong said, "Why did the two of you turn back?"

Michio said, "It's a dead end. If you don't believe us, you can go ahead to looked at it."

Bong who has no intention of looking for a way in or a way out stared at Michio and U-ri for awhile and said, "I trust you." He turned around and begin walking towards the opening of the tunnel.

When Michio, U-ri, and Bong return back to the opening of the tunnel they met with other participants.

"Hey, did you guy pick the dead end tunnel?" One participant asked.

U-ri said, "We did indeed."

"Us too. We walked less than fifty yards before it was a dead end," said another participant.

Michio picked up a rock and marked a X on the side of the tunnel. "Let's follow Abrafo," Michio said, looking at U-ri.

Down the tunnel, Abrafo picking random turned, as he cautiously walked from one tunnel to the next, some tunnels connected to one another, some tunnels were dead end, and some tunnels brought him back to the main tunnel.

Abrafo sat on the ground to rest. He scoffed feeling a little ridiculous. "Who in the world has some much time to just dig random tunnels inside the cave," He complained shaking his head.

Abrafo sighed and leaned his head against the wall, raising his chin up, during this time, Abrafo spotted a large black rounded creature staring down at him from the top. Abrafo remained still as his eyes stared directly into the eyes of the large black round creature while his right hand slowly reached for his throwing knives that strap onto his right thigh. He grasped two of his throwing knives tightly as he watched the black creature slowly inching crawling down on him. The creature was so close that Abrafo could heard the creature's breathing.

As the creature got closed enough, the creature jumped down to Abrafo, Abrafo quickly rolled to his left and threw his two knifes at the creature red eyes because in the dark, that is the only two things that Abrafo could see clearly.

When Abrafo's knives hits the eye of the black creature, it roars in pain. Abrafo them hit the black creature again with his fire talisman, and as the talisman hit, only then Abrafo could see that the dark creature that has been lurking to attacking him was no other than a large black scorpion side of a dog.

"Shit!" Abrafo was taken aback and quickly backed away reaching for his sword on this back, distancing himself from the scorpion.

The injured blind scorpion swung it body back from side to side running towards Abrafo. Abrafo quickly drew his sword, and when the sword came out of the scabbard on Abrafo's back, the scorpion was only a few feet away from Abrafo.

The scorpion stabbed it tails forward trying to hit Abrafo's feet, but Abrafo knocked the scorpion's stinger away. The scorpion then quickly rushed up the tunnel wall and hit swung it's tail at Abrafo again, but Abrafo quickly spun back forward and swung his swung at the scorpion's left body, cutting off two of its legs.

Losing to of its's leg, the scorpion slides down to the ground leaning it heavy body on it right side. In pain and angry, the scorpion screeched loudly at Abrafo while it reassumes it assault at Abrafo again.

Outside of the tunnels, Michio, U-ri Bong, and the other participants looked at each other, wondering who or what made such loud screeching that echoed through the tunnels.

Walking out from the tunnel to, Jin, Feng, and Heng approached the small group of gathered people. Jin quickly rushed forward and asked, "What made that screeching sound?"

Bong said, "We don't know. We just heard it."

"Don't tell me that other than the peacock, there are other creatures here," one of the participants said.

Feng asked, "Has Lord Lixin came out yet?"

Bong shook his head and said, "Lixin and Shi have not come out yet."

Jing said, "Heng, you stay here with Monk Michio and the others. Feng and I will go after Lord Lixin."

Jing and feng walked towards the tunnel that Lixin and Shi had gone, when one of the participants was thrown out of the tunnel opposite the tunnel that Lixin had went in with Shi.

When the unknown creature stepped out from to the entrance of the tunnel that's was when the participants standing in the open space noticed that stood in front of them were no other than a large black scorpion the side of a dog. The black scorpion slowly walked out from the tunnel as many smaller scorpions crawling after. The participant drew their quickly drew their swords.

Michio said, "U-ri, stay behind me, when we fight go hide inside the tunnel we just came out of."

Jin said, "Do not let them enter Lord Lixin's tunnel." He drew he sword while Feng and Heng quickly rushed to Jin.

Bong stood beside Michio as he refused to move to protect the Lixin's tunnel, which surprise Michio greatly.

Bong looked at Michio and said, "Hey, Monk."

Michio said, "My name is Michio."

Bong scoffed and said, "Anyway... there is no reason for you to use two weapons. Can I borrow your spear. I promised I will return it to you when this fight is over in good shape. If I broke it, I would give you a better-quality spear when we leave here." He turned to looked at Michio. "But don't worry, with my skill, your spear will be return to you safely. Also, I promised to help you protect the old man."

Michio knew that no matter how good his skills may be, but with so many creatures standing before them, he will not be able to kill every single creature that want to enter the tunnel to protect U-ri from harm, so with Bong promising him, he has no choice but to hand his spear to Bong. He handed his spear to Bong. "If the spear broke because you help me to protect U-ri, you don't need to repay me with a better-quality spear."

Bong held Michio's spear in his hand and smiled. "It much lighter than my spear."

Bong smirked as he looked at the scorpion lined up ready to attack the participants inside the open space. He threw the spear directly at one of the smaller spiders, pierce directly into the scorpion abdomen pinning the scorpion to the ground. He rushed forward pulled the spear from the scorpion abdomen, step onto the scorpion and jumped up aiming the spear at the left abdomen of the larger scorpion.