Chapter 189 Mystery In Stone Valley Part 19

When Meng first realized that he was alive, his first feelings were of cold and wet. He heard water dripping on the ground, and then realized that the water was dripping on him. He also heard the beating of his heart. He can feel and hear everything, but he can't see or speak. Days passed, months passed, and years passed. One day, Meng suddenly heard that in addition to his own heart, there was another heart beating. Along with the occasional sound of waves lapping on the shore, the extra heartbeats continued in the darkness.


One day, a voice suddenly woke Meng from his sleep. 


"I can feel your heartbeat," the voice said. "I know you are here, tell me little one, how is it possible that you are alive?" 


Although Meng wanted to open his mouth to answer the question, he found that he had no mouth or eyes. He could only hear and feel. 

The voice laughed, and the laughter seemed to echo in the darkness. 


"Do you need my help?" the voice asked. "Do you want to speak and see?" 


Meng thought to himself that it would be great if someone could help him see and speak. 


The voice chuckled, as if Meng didn't need to speak, and the voice understood what Meng wanted. 


Every day for the next hundred years, this voice was Meng's only friend. As the one hundred- and one-year approaches, Meng slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying under a large piece of ice. He stood up slowly, but his legs were stiff. He wanted to see what he looked like; he walked toward an ice crystal on the side of the cave wall. 


When Meng saw his reflection, he was surprised to see a small wooden toy looking back at him. He looked around and saw a lot of washed-up items, including some wooden items that looked exactly like him. He stared at his reflection, wondering how it was possible that he was alive while the other wooden object was not. 


"Do you want to know why you are alive and not others?" said the voice. "You are made from a pure tree that has grown for thousands of years and is nourished by my sweats." 


Meng turned around to look for the speaker. "You...who are you?" Meng asked. 


"You are alive because of me," the voice said. "So, from now on, I am your master." 


"Master?" Meng said doubtfully. Meng had just entered this world, and his mind was still like that of a newborn, so he still needed to clarify many terms. "What is a master?" 


"The master is the one you must obey," the voice said. "And do as you're tell." 


Over the next two hundred years, Meng practiced with his master. He was no longer just a wooden toy, he had grown flesh, and he could see, hear, smell, touch, and feel. He can think about what is right and what is wrong. Since he often leaves the island and enters the human world, he often interacts with the locals and develops a good impression of them. Meng discovered that there was a huge difference between what his master had taught him for hundreds of years and his interactions with the local people. 


One day, after he came back from completing a task entrusted by his master, he ran into the cave happily calling for his master. "Master! Master!" he shouted happily. "I have a name. I decided to give myself a name." 


Meng's master did not answer him. He closed his eyes and concentrated on searching for his master's beating heart, but he could no longer hear it. 

"Master! Master! Please answer me." He suddenly fell to his knees and looked at the master solidified in the crystal iceberg. He noticed that the crystalline iceberg looked different today. Meng quickly ran around the large crystal ice that trapped his master inside, but all the cracks from the past few days had been sealed. 


"Master!" Meng looked at the crystal ice and said sadly. Because he knew that every time the ice cracks were sealed, it would take many years before the ice to crack and he could hear his master's voice, so he decided to leave the island and collect resources to help his master from imprisonment. 

"Master... I will find a way to get you out of this confinement." He wiped his tears and started to leave the cave, but like all children, Meng ran back and sat under the crystal ice and cried until the next day. 


Over the next few years, Meng read every book on the Island and learned there was a reason his master was imprisoned in the crystal ice inside a lonely cave. No matter how badly his master was portrayed in the ancient books, he still wanted to free his master from his imprisonment. To Meng, his master loved him and took the time to develop him into the man he is today. He closed the last book and put the book back into the shelf. Meng decided that he would do whatever it took to free his master. When Meng walked out of the library, he already had a plan in mind to rescue his master. 


Two months later, while strolling through a busy market in Misnix capital city, he saw a young woman crying under a flower tree. He walked up to the young woman and sat next to her. 


"Little girl, why are you crying?" Meng asked with a smile, but the young woman just looked at him with tears in her eyes, and then looked down at her feet. "Can't speak?" he smiled at the young woman. "May I have your name?" 


The young woman quickly held Meng's hand and wrote two words on Meng's palm. 


Meng smiled at the young woman and said, "Yun... this name is so beautiful. My name is Meng. I just came here today." He looked at the beautiful young woman sitting next to him. "Yun, if I can help you speak, can you do me a favor?" 


Yun nodded. 


Meng suddenly covered his mouth with his right hand and spit out a small round white pearl. "This should be able to help you speak." He handed the pearl to Yun. 


Yun picked up the pearl and hesitated for a moment. Then, as she stared at the pearl, her heart broke at the news she had received that morning. Could it be that because she couldn't speak, the He family had to change brides? Not only that, but her biological sister, who once shared the same womb as her betrayed her and agreed to marry her future husband. 


Yun put the pearl into her mouth and swallowed it. She looked at the handsome young man sitting next to her, that kept looking at her. Although Meng may not be as handsome as Lixin, and his social status is not high, Meng is the first person who smiles at her without judging her due to her disability. 


Yun held Meng's hand and was about to write something when Meng said, "You can speak now." 


Yun opened her mouth, hesitating whether to speak, but when she saw the warm smile on Meng's face, she said slowly, "What do you need me to help you with?" 


Meng smiled and said, "I just want to know where I can find the history books of the emperors of the past dynasties." 


Yun said, "Those books should be in the royal library in the East Wing palace." 


Meng asked, "Thank you, oh, by the way, what is the name of the current emperor?" 


Yun said, "Emperor Khai." 


Meng smiled and said, "Your eyes are very beautiful. Don't cry again." He stood up and started to walk away. 


"Young hero," Yun shouted. "If we meet again, I will marry you." 


Meng turned around and smiled. "Alright, then that's a promise." After saying that, he walked away from Yun. 


Without the pearl, Meng knew that by leaving the energy pearl to Yun, he would no longer have the fighting ability he had before, but his plan to save his master did not require him to have strong fighting ability, so he did not care. At least, he did something for someone who was in the same situation as him, just like his master had done for him when he first came into this world. 


That night, Meng sat on the roof of the palace and watched people dancing, drinking and laughing below. Meng's eyes sparkled as he suddenly thought of his plan. His back trembled and the hairs on his arms stood up at the thought of his plan. If everything goes according to his plan, he will soon meet his master. 


At midnight, Meng saw the palace maids closing the door of Khai's bedroom, so he flew over through the window. He saw Khai still sitting at his golden desk reading scrolls, so Meng decided to fly over and land on the gold desk. 


"Oh, even you are here to attend the Crown Prince's celebration banquet," Khai said looking at the white dove looking at him. "I'll bet; you knew the prince would be a great future emperor, that's why you're here." He laughed so hard his chin trembled. 


"On the contrary, I'm here to warn you," Meng said. 


Khai was startled and quickly stood up from his desk. "Who are you?" he asked. 


Khai watched the white dove fly to the ground and quickly appeared in front of Khai was no other than his own great grandfather in a white robe, smiling at him. 


" are?" Khai's voice trembled, and he fell to his knees. "Your Highness." 


"Khai don't be afraid of me," Meng said. "I came with good intentions." He smiled. "I have reached nirvana and become the guardian of Misnix. I have come to warn you of the future destruction of the kingdom of Misnix." 


Khai asked, "What... what kind of destruction?" 


"Total destruction, the fall of Misnix," Meng said. 


Khai pleaded, "Guardian of Misnix, please enlighten me to prevent this chaos." 


Meng smiled and said, "Remember my words. If the white deer appears in the north of Misnix, you will do everything you can to kill it. If this white deer does not die, then destruction will come to Misnix." 


Khai looked up to ask the guardian another question, but when he looked up, he found that the white dove had flown out of the window. His hands and feet were still shaking, so he reluctantly stood up and walked back to his desk. 


"Guards!" Khai's voice sounded. 


Two night guards quickly rushed into Khai's bedroom chamber. 


"Your Highness," the guards said, kneeling before Khai. 


Khai sighed and said, "Summon Lord Lixin now." 


Sitting on the roof of Khai's bedroom chamber, Meng smiled, knowing that his plan had finally succeeded. He raised the wine bottle to the moon and said with a smile, "Master, it is only a matter of time before I can see you."