Chapter 190 Mystery In Stone Valley Part 20

After listening to the story Meng told him, Bong finally understood why Lixin suddenly disappeared for nearly two years on the night when Taió became crown prince. The story Meng told suddenly made sense to him and answered the questions that Lixin refused to answer him. 


Bong said, "I was wondering why Lixin, and his nine men and hundreds of elite soldiers suddenly left in the middle of the night. It was just a deer, what's so special about it? Besides, our kingdom has been established for thousands of years. We have by far the most powerful military of any kingdom. A deer will not be the downfall of Misnix Kingdom." Bong stood up. "Also, killing the deer will save your master, which is good for you and us. Your little secret isn't enough to make me let you go."


Meng looked at Bong and chuckled, "I told you from the beginning, I will only tell you half. When you take me to my meeting point, I will tell you the rest of the story. If you don't believe me, the person we are going to meet will change your mind. But you must come along. You can't take anyone else with you." 


Bong knew that Meng was seriously injured, so there was no way Meng could defeat him, but Bong couldn't say the same for the person they were going to meet, but at this critical moment, Bong had no other choice but to take a gamble.


"Guards!" Bong shouted, and the door opened. "The kid needs to pee, take him to the back of the house." He handed the key back to the guards. 


The two guards quickly untied Meng's shackles and pushed Meng out the door. Once they were out the door, Bong quickly knocked both guards to the ground. 


Bong grabbed Meng's shoulders and asked, "Where is the meeting point?" 


Meng said, "The entrance of the valley." 



Bong pushed Meng towards the entrance of the valley. Everyone was asleep at this time of night, so no one noticed that Bong and Meng had left. When the two got there, they saw a carriage with someone waiting for them. 


Bong quickly grabbed Meng's right hand. Meng looked at Bong and said, "Don't worry, she won't pose a threat." 


Bong stood a few feet away from the carriage and shouted, "Get out of the carriage and show your face." 


Yun already knew of Meng's injuries and was worried that Bong would kill Meng, so she jumped out of the carriage and rushed towards Bong and Meng. 

"Your Highness," Yun said. "Please let him go." 


Listening to the voice, Bong felt that the voice was very familiar. "Have we met?" He asked. 


Yun pushed the hood back, and Bong was shocked. "Your Highness," Yun said. 


The corners of Bong's mouth dropped. "Lady Lai? How could it be you?" Bong asked doubtfully. "Does Lixin know about this?" 


Yun said, "I am indeed Lady Lai, but not the Lady Lai you think." 


Bong thought for a while. "The other Lady Lai?" 

Yun smiled and said, "The one who once tended your wounds." 

Bong said, "But... you are mute. How can you speak freely to me?" 


Yun said, "Because of him." Yun fell to her knees. "Your Highness, it was my idea to leave you in one of the lava tubes." 


Bong said, "I didn't fall into a lava tube? I thought I tripped and fell into one." 


Yun said, "You did fall, but it was a dry hole only waist high. I didn't dare to put you far, so I chose to put you near the shore. If you want to leave, you could simply walk a thousand feet down the lava tube to the left, and it will take you to the opening of the cave on the shore. But I don't know how things got so wrong." 


Bong frowned, feeling a little stupid. "I decided not to turn left. I thought since there was water, it might lead to an underground tunnel." 


Yun said, "We didn't know there was another group of people who also wanted the pure phoenix egg." 


Bong asked, "Wait, besides you two, there is a group of people who also want that pure phoenix egg?"


Meng nodded and said, "We didn't want the pure phoenix egg in the first place. We kidnapped you just as a diversion, so that we could leave quietly while people were searching for you." 


Bong asked, "Leave quietly without anyone noticing. Do you mean to run away together?" 


Yun nodded. 

Bong asked, "Why?" 


Yun said, "It's because we love each other." 


Bong asked, "Why do you choose here when you could simply leave quietly from home?" 


Yun said, "Due to certain circumstances, we can't leave home, but that doesn't matter anymore." 


Bong said, "Alright I won't interfere in your relationship because I don't have a say but respect your decision." 


Meng suddenly interrupted, Yun, wait for me in the carriage." 


Yun hesitated and said, "But..." 


Bong said, "After I ask him a few questions, I will let him leave with you. I promise." 


Meng smiled and said, "He is a prince, a man who keeps his word." Meng watched as Yun walked away and jumped on the carriage. 


Bong asked, "Didn't you tell her?" 


Meng said, "She is innocent and there is no need to destroy her innocence." 


"Tell me quickly what I need to know. Lixin and his men worked quickly. You don't have much time," Bong said. He looked at Meng. "Why did you tell father that he had to kill the white deer? How can killing the white deer will save our kingdom from destruction?" 


Meng said, "I don't need to say too much now. Basically, I told you everything when we were at the stone home. If you really want to know my original plan, just send a message to Lord Lixin on my behalf." He took a step closer to Bong. "Tell Lord Lixin that Hajime is not the white deer because I am the white deer, and he is lucky he didn't kill the white deer. His last chance to kill the white deer was in Magior City. If you tell Lord Lixin this, he will understand why failing to kill the white deer, is a victory for him." 


Bong asked, "Now that failing to kill the white deer is a victory for him? Your words are too twisted. I don't understand what you want to achieve." 


Meng laughed and said, "If he kills the white deer, Misnix will be destroyed, and my master will be free. But he failed to kill the white deer and my master remained imprisoned. This is the kindliest gift I can give to the citizens of Misnix." 


Bong asked, "Why did you change your mind?" 


"Over the years, I have lived among humans, and I understand better why my master can never be free. The most important thing is because of Yun," Meng said. He took a step back from Bong. "My secret is out; can I leave now?" 


Bong nodded and Meng started to walk away. "Wait," Bong said. 


Meng turned around, "Is there anything else?" 


To Bong's surprise, Meng's beaten face had healed. Bong shook his head. "I didn't even realize you could heal yourself. When did you heal yourself?" 

Meng smiled and said, "When we arrive, I don't want Yun to see my badly beaten face." 

Bong asked, "Are you pretending to be beaten?" 

Meng shook his head and said, "No, I was seriously injured by you, but when I am close to Yun, I can borrow some of my power back from her to heal myself." 

Bong asked, "Does she have your power? I don't understand, please explain." 

Meng said, "If I hadn't given her my fighting power, you wouldn't have been able to defeat me so easily." 

Bong asked, "Why give it away?" 

Meng said, "So she can talk." 

Bong looked at Meng and realized that giving someone the most important thing in his life must mean that Meng cared about Yun. He decided not to prolong their escape. He looked at Meng and said, "Last question, does your master have a name?" 


Meng said, "It's better that you don't know his name, and even if you do, there's nothing you can do once he's released, so what else?" 


Bong looked at the carriage and said, "If you two have nowhere to go, just go north to Green Mountain... A bastard once told me that there was a cabin in a deserted place, and the owner will not return for a long time." 


Meng smiled and said, "Thank you, I will remember it." He walked to the carriage, jumped onto the platform, shook the rope, and the carriage slowly moved away from Bong. 


Watching Meng driving the horse carriage into the night, Bong felt happy and sad at the same time. He finally understood that not all lovers in the world will have a happy ending. But no matter what the reason is for their separation, the feelings they once had will last a lifetime.