Chapter 191 Mystery In Stone Valley Part 21

Bong sat on a small boulder for a while, thinking about all the information Meng gave him. Bong decided he had to go talk to Lixin. As soon as he stood up, he saw soldiers rushing towards him with torches. 


Seeing Heng, Ping, and Xiang; Bong rolled his eyes at them. "You guy surely act fast," he said with a smile. 


Lixin walked out from behind the soldier, walked to Bong and asked angrily, "How many times have you pretended to disappear and caused trouble to others?" He sighed and looked at Bong. "Where is Meng?" 


Bong said, "I let him go. I just found out that I wrongly accused him of kidnapping me, but I didn't want to be embarrassed because I hurt him too badly, so I let him go secretly." He walked towards Lixin. "If you want to arrest me, you can, but I prefer you to lock me in your tent." He laughed, then stopped laughing. He turned to look at Lixin coldly.

"Let's go, I have a few questions that I need your help to answer." He put his hands behind his back and started to walk away from Lixin and Lixin's men. 


Lixin's men were shocked when they heard the seriousness of Bong's voice. 


Ping said, "This was the tone he used when commanding his soldiers to invade. Why should he use it on our Lord?" 


Xiang said, "My Lord, it doesn't seem like Prince Bong was joking this time. Did he discover something?" 


Heng said, "Perhaps meng said something bad about our Lord to Prince Bong." 


Lixin said, "Let's go back first." 


Bong turned around to find Lixin and his men were still talking and have not follow him. He raised his voice and said, "Lord Lixin, if you have anything to discuss, let's go back. Not only you, I also want to include your nine most trusted soldiers in our discussion." 


Lixin asked, "Why include them?" 


Bong smiled at Lixin, and although Lixin remained calm, the same could not be said for his subordinates. The look in the eyes of Lixin's subordinates only convinced Bong that what Meng told him was true to some extent. 


"Oh...I changed my mind. I don't want to discuss this with you in private, but I want this to be discussed in Prince Da's tent," Bong said with a smile. He turned and walked away, smiling to himself as he walked away feeling like a small winner. 


Lixin quickly caught up with Bong and said, "If you have anything to say to me, discuss it with me in private. I don't want to disturb Prince Da at this hour." 


Bong laughed and put his arm around Lixin's shoulder, and Lixin quickly pushed away. "I was just joking about Prince Da's tent, but I do have something important to talk to you and your nine men." 


Lixin asked, "About what?" 


Bong said, "About you hunting a white deer." 

Sitting in Lixin's private tent, Lixin and his nine men all focused on Bong. They sat in silence, wondering what Bong would ask them. 

After waiting for a while, Lixin saw Bong sitting at the table eating. Seeing that Bong seemed to have no intention of speaking, Lixin placed the cup of water in his hand on the table with a loud bang. 

"When will you start your discussion?" Lixin asked, staring at Bong. "Everyone has something to do, they don't have as much free time as you do." 

"Why make all the fuss? If you were lost in a lava cave for several days like me, you will think that eating is the most important thing," Bong said with a smile. He picked up the cup and drank. After drinking the water, he wiped his hands with a wet towel. He turned to look at Lixin. "I heard that you have been keeping secrets. So, tell me, was the secret you kept related to your sudden departure of the ten of you from the capital a year and a half ago?" Bong looked at the ten men sitting silently in the tent staring at him. 

"The reason why you mentioned this now is because you may already know the reason why we left," Lixin said. "So, why ask? Just tell us what you know." 

"I know that father gave you a secret mission to kill some white deer to prevent the destruction of our kingdom, but I don't understand the reason," Bong said. "Although, I can piece together the answer based on the information Meng gave me, I want to know what you know, and maybe I can figure out why Meng wanted you to kill a white deer." 

Lixin said, "There is not much to it, what you said is what we know." 

Bong asked, "Then tell me why you wanted to kill Hajime?" 

Jin said, "Does the prince also know about this?" 

Bong said, "Yeah..." He looked at Jin. "I know this too." He turned his attention back to Lixin. "So, why did you want to hurt Hajime?"


Ping said, "Because he and his friends wanted to enter No Man's Land." 

Bong said, "This is not enough to kill him. There must be other reasons, and this reason is related to the secret mission entrusted by father to the ten of you. Am I correct?" 

Lixin said, "Since you said it was a secret mission, there is no reason to give you an answer. If you want to know more details...just ask His Majesty." 

Bong knew that if Lixin refused to tell him, no matter how hard he tried to find out, Lixin would not budge. Bong stood up and said, "I know you won't answer my questions, so I won't bother you anymore." He turned around and came face to face with Lixin. Seeing Lixin sitting at the table still staring at him coldly, Bong sighed. "If the person who asked you the question was not me, but the crown prince... you would answer him without hesitation, right?" The left corner of his lips raised, and he looked at Lixin. "Hahaha..." He started walking towards the door. "Oh, I almost forgot, Meng asked me to send you a message." He turned to look at Lixin. "He said that Hajime is not the white deer because he is the white deer." 

Lixin jumped up from his seat. "What did you say?" Lixin said in shock. "Hajime is not the white deer..." 

Jin said, "So, our prediction was wrong, but we followed him to Green Mountain..." 

Bong murmured, "Follow him to Green Mountain..." 

Feng said, "My Lord, since His Highness already knows, there is no need to hide it from His Highness. I believe His Highness will not leak the news and cause trouble to the people." 

Bong smiled and joked, "On the contrary, if you don't tell me, as soon as I walk out of this door, I will bring this news to the citizens and cause fear among the citizens." 

Lixin said, "Your little trick doesn't work at all, so why bother saying it." 

Bong smiled and said, "Who knows when it might work." He chuckled. 

Lixin sat back down and said, "Tell him what we know." 

Jin said, "We want to kill Hajime because we thought he was the white deer we chased. As you know, we chased the white deer for almost two years, and then we found that the white deer often return to Green Mountain, so we decided to go find him. When we arrived, we met Hajime." 

Feng said, "When we finally surrounded the white deer, we saw Hajime touching the white deer, so we concluded it was an illusion created by Hajime." 

Ping said, "At that time, Lady Kexin wanted to kill Hajime, but we miss judged the people who followed him." 

Jin continued, "We decided to dual Hajime in Green Mountain, but when Hajime summoned those wolves and our people fought Sir Abrafo, we knew that these five people standing in front of us were not ordinary people." 

"So, we asked Shi and Ping to follow them wherever they went," Chen said. "And planned to attack them when they least expected it. Unexpectedly, in Magior City, they actually came out to help us." 

Xiang said, "After leaving Magior City, we originally wanted to kill Hajime, but they suddenly disappeared." 

Bong said, "So you followed them home." 

The nine men nodded at Bong. 

"We later found out that they were looking for the key to No Man's Land, which added more and stronger evidence that we had to kill the white deer at all costs to prevent them from releasing Eldrusy." 

Bong asked, "So, taking Sir U-ri hostage was part of that plan?" 

Jin said, "Yes." 

Lixin looked at Bong and said, "If Hajime is not the white deer and Meng is the white deer, then why did you let him go?" 

Bong said, "I feel sorry for him." 

Lixin slapped his hand heavily on the table, making a loud bang. "Nonsenses... You would rather feel sorry for him than watch our kingdom be destroyed?" Lixin shouted through gritted teeth. 

"I have a heart. I'm not heartless like you," Bong said. "I let him go because I promised that if he told me everything, I would not hurt him, and... Lady..." He stopped to collect his emotions, because he almost gave Meng and Yun's secret away. "Meng said, your last chance to kill the white deer and help him free his master is in Magior City. You are lucky not to kill the white deer you are chasing, because if you do, our kingdom will not escape destruction." 

Although the people around Shi were still dumbfounded by Bong's last sentence, Shi suddenly understood that there is also a race of immortal creatures that likes to take the shape of a deer when walking in the mortal world, especially a white deer. Thinking of this, Shi's heart began to tremble, and cold sweat broke out all over his body. 

Heng looked at Shi's pale face and asked, "What's wrong? Your face doesn't look good. Has the wound opened again?" 

Shi tremblingly said, "My lord, I finally understand now." 

Bong rolled his cold eyes at Shi in disgust. "What did you finally understand?" Bong asked annoyingly. "That bastard said you were very smart... So, what did this smart man come up with?" 

"Hey... hey..." Ping whispered to Heng. "It seems that Prince Bong suddenly dislike Shi very much..." 

Heng whispered, "I don't know, but this may have something to do with Sir Abrafo..." 

Shi looked at everyone and asked, "Why don't we kill deer?" 

Heng replied, "To show respect to the gate keeper of the southern sea." 

The men finally understand as goosebumps quickly rose through their entire body. 

Jin's jaw dropped, "White...white...deer..." 

Lixin felt his heart racing as he suddenly realized how close he was to destroying the kingdom he had sworn to protect. "White dragons of the southern sea." 

Feng's lips trembled as he said, "Imagine how our kingdom will be destroyed if we kill one of the white dragons..." 

Bong's heart sank as he finally realized Meng's biggest plan to free his master. "If one of the white dragons is killed by us, it means... we are waging war against the nine dragon clans," Bong said in a trembling tone. "That will be the end of our kingdom. Nothing will survive and no one will dare to help us."