Awkward situation

Christopher went after her and noticed her entering the restroom. He also followed her, not caring about the other ladies inside. He didn't care about their weird looks at him. All he wanted to know was whether or not his wife was in discomfort.

"What is going on?" he asked, preventing her from closing the door to her cubicle.

Abigail glared at him and hissed, "Don't you know anything? Get out and bring some pads or tampons for me."

She pushed him away and closed the door in his face.

Christopher stepped back in a reverie, the words "pads or tampons" replaying in his head. He had never had a chance to buy this stuff. He even didn't know what was the difference between them. Furthermore, he wasn't sure if she needed both or if one would suffice.

He, however, walked out slowly.

Christopher drove to a nearby convenience store. He dazedly looked around as he walked in and then saw stacks of sanitary pads and tampons on the shelves. He had no idea which one was good.

'Maybe all are the same,' he thought.

Christopher was hesitant to pick up one as he saw a few ladies around that section. He looked left and right and grabbed a blue packet when no one was looking at him. He hurried over to the billing counter.

It was a relief that no one was standing around the counter. After paying the bill, he dashed out and drove back to the restaurant.

Christopher walked quickly over to the restroom. He hesitated to enter, unlike before, when he rushed in regardless of the presence of other ladies. He stood outside, unsure whether to go inside or wait for someone to come out.

Meanwhile, two women in short tube dresses came to the restroom and gave him a strange look. Their lips formed a provocative smile.

"Hello, handsome," one of them with purple hair said.

"Waiting for your girlfriend?" Another one with golden hair asked.

They came in closer to him.

Christopher retreated, a scowl flaring up on his face.

"Why don't you come with us?" The purple-haired woman asked, coming in closer to him and running her fingers down his arm. "We will have a lot of fun."

"Yes… We will give you such a pleasure that you have never experienced before," the other one said, taking his hand in hers. "You will forget about your girlfriend."

Christopher gave them a stern look. He'd have smacked them by now if they hadn't been ladies. He didn't mistreat them, however, because he thought he could ask them to give Abigail the thing he was holding.

Despite his irritation, he managed to smile. "I apologize, ladies. I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm married."

He showed them the wedding ring he was wearing.

"I am waiting for my wife. Um… It would be very helpful if you could give her this."

He handed the small paper-carrying bag to the purple-haired lady and added, "Her name is Abigail."

The two women exchanged puzzled looks at each other and then looked at him strangely. They realized what had happened and smiled at him again. It was a friendly smile this time, not a provocative one like before.

"How sweet! Your wife is extremely lucky. We will definitely help you." They giggled and walked in.

"Damn women," he grumbled, his face turning dark. He walked back to his table, his appetite gone.

Abigail was relieved. She thanked the two ladies and came out of the washroom, her face flushing crimson. She had never expected something like this to happen.

She always kept a packet of tampons in her bag in case of an emergency. But she had forgotten to bring her bag. Her bad luck was really bad that her period had arrived right when he had brought her out on a date.

It was embarrassing.

Abigail wanted to run away, not knowing how to face him. She believed he would chastise her. Simultaneously, she was grateful to him.

Abigail knew it had been an awkward situation for him as well.

He always helped her whenever she needed it, no matter if he was angry or not. He had not said no to her or asked her to deal with her problem on her own. Despite his uneasiness, he went to buy sanitary pads.

How could she not love him?

She was happy and embarrassed simultaneously, her heart thumping as she saw him sitting at the table.

The waiter was serving the food.

Abigail sat down, smiling at him. But Christopher glowered at her instead of returning her smile.

Abigail didn't mind at all. She was already happy with him.

"You forgot to bring your bag," he hissed.

Abigail lowered her head. She knew he would scold her. "It was all your fault." She dared to blame him for everything, which was not a lie.

If he hadn't kissed her, she wouldn't have forgotten to bring her purse and phone.

"Because of me!"

Abigail nodded, not lifting her head. "You shouldn't have argued with me in the first place. I wasn't doing anything wrong, but you questioned my loyalty and challenged me. Then…"

She didn't say the rest of the words.

Christopher remained silent as well, recalling her unexpected kiss followed by his impulsive kiss. He couldn't blame her.

He had been in shock as well after that kiss and had chosen a provocative dress for her at random without properly checking it. He lowered his head and began eating quietly.

They didn't say a word for the next few minutes.

Christopher remembered that she had wanted to tell him something before rushing into the restroom. He became curious as to whether she was trying to tell him about that man... her boyfriend or a neighbor.


He poked the shrimp with the fork and said, "You were about to say something."

"Oh, um… I-I am meeting this old friend of mine for a job," she revealed.

"A job?" Christopher's brow pinched in surprise.

"Yes… I have already started the training."

"You have started job training!' He repeated in a trance-like state. "Where?"

He was befuddled, not able to figure out why she suddenly needed a job. Shouldn't she be staying at home in a relaxed manner? Why did she want to get into the stressful environment of the workplace?

When he heard her say, "Essence Concierge," his racing thoughts came to a halt.