Who knows what is stored for the future?

Abigail didn't raise her head the entire time and didn't notice the change in his expression. She continued to speak, "I am sorry I haven't informed you. I thought I'd give you a surprise."


Christopher was shocked, not surprised.

"That day, when…"

"What made you think you needed a job?" Christopher asked in a frenzy. He was too curious to know the reason and didn't listen to what she was saying. "If you need more money, just let me know. I will give you as much money as you want. All I want is for you to stay healthy and fit. The stressful work environment is not suitable for you. You are not going to join the company, and that's final."

He declared his decision without listening to her wish.

"I have already joined the company," Abigail retorted, looking at him, "and I have started the training. There is no way I will abandon it in the middle."

She didn't think twice about opposing him. "I am all right according to the doctors. How long will I be locked inside a house? I used to work before the surgery."

She sulked, displeased.

"Are you arguing with me again?" Christopher's expression turned ugly.

Abigail knew he was growing enraged. She looked at his hand, which was gripping the fork tightly.

"I need this job," she said, her tone soft this time as if she were trying to persuade him. She didn't intend to anger him. "I want to be self-sufficient. You are the boss of the Sherman Group. People expect your wife to be smart and beautiful. I want to raise that level so that people stop considering me unworthy of you."

She lowered her head again. "Life is uncertain. Who knows what is stored for the future? Your parents don't like me, and they want you to marry Vivian, who is far smarter than me. You may also develop feelings for her."

She chuckled as she thought he had not fallen for her despite spending two years with her, bitter bile rising to her throat. She was not sure if she would ever be able to win his heart.

"I need to be independent," she said unequivocally.

Christopher wished he could chastise her. He only resisted because he didn't want to yell at her in front of so many people.

"You want to be independent; I have no problem. You can work if you think it is necessary. But don't bring up Vivian all the time. I'm not interested in her, regardless of what my parents think or wish, okay?"

He wiped his hands, not willing to eat anymore. He glanced at her and stated coldly, "If you wanted a job so desperately, you could have asked me."

Abigail gave him a stern look. "Yeah! And you will gladly let me work."

"Humph…" He snorted. "Why did you go to the Essence Concierge? Did that friend of yours help you?" He curled his lips slyly.

"Yes, I talked to him, and he asked me to start the training," she replied promptly. "He is kind enough to give me the opportunity."

Christopher squinted at her, not knowing who that man was or what position he held at the company. He assumed the man was in a higher management position based on her words.

"Who is he?" he inquired, intrigued.

"His name is Jasper Wilkinson, the founder, and CEO of Essence Concierge."

Her eyes twinkled as she expressed her admiration for him. Elsa and Jasper had always been like family to her. Their success was her success. That was what she thought.

She was too preoccupied with her thoughts to notice his bitter expression.

"He came from a poor family and was orphaned when he was a child," she continued. "However, he worked hard and started a small business that grew so large over time. His sister is a close friend of mine, and she is now a pilot. I am extremely proud of them. Both have demonstrated that one's family background has no bearing on one's ability to achieve success and wealth. All you need to do is work hard."

Christopher's ears were red-hot. The revelation that Jasper Wilkinson was her friend itself was shocking to him. On top of that, she was praising him.

He didn't want to know Jasper's backstory or how he had grown as a successful person. He didn't like it when she praised another man in front of him, and the reason was yet to be figured out.

He was experiencing a strange sense of insecurity.

Such agitation and uneasiness were unfamiliar to him, and he had no idea why he felt this way.

Oblivious to what was going on in his mind, Abigail kept saying, "I have not met him for the past few years. I thought he would not recognize me. But he swiftly allowed me to join the training. I will work hard and will not disappoint him. So, please don't ask me to stop going there. This job is important to me."

Christopher's pupils constricted even more. He deduced that she was unaware that "the Sherman Group" was Essence Concierge's primary client. The corners of his lips curled deviously as an idea crept into his mind. However, he didn't reveal it to her.

She had shocked him, and now it was his turn.

"Okay, I get it," he said flippantly, indicating that he was not interested in talking about it. "Since you have already decided to start working, I won't stop you. Just make sure you don't get sick. I will forbid you from leaving the house the moment I discover that your job is affecting your health negatively. You cannot disobey me at the time."

Abigail readily agreed to this. She believed her condition had improved and that she wouldn't get sick as frequently as she used to.

"Thank you. I will be more cautious." She beamed with a smile.

They came back home in an hour.

Christopher phoned Brad as he walked into the study.

"Did you renew the contract with the Essence Concierge?" he asked when the call connected.

"Not yet. Why? Do you need to include any more clauses?"

"I will talk to you tomorrow," Christopher said.

When he ended the call, he had a wicked grin on his face.