The argument

Abigail sulked even more. "I am only following your orders. Did I not bring you coffee?"

"Yes… but you are late. You were supposed to come back a few minutes ago. I have been waiting for you, and you haven't cared about me. All you cared about was Brad."

He vented his anger fiercely.

A shocked look crossed her face.

"Brad is your business partner, your friend," she retorted. "How could you have a problem with me giving him a cup of coffee?"

Her inquisitive stare was too piercing.

Christopher quickly let go of her arm, surprised at his own reaction. He had never been a jealous or insecure person, but he had become one for unknown reasons. He was ashamed of himself for saying such things.

Brad had been his best friend since he was a child. Their fathers were close friends who remained so to this day. That's how they came to have such a strong bond.

They used to eat, play, and study together. They even shared clothes at times.