The guilt

Abigail was dumbstruck. It was she who should ask him why he had left in a hurry in the morning. She should have asked him why he hadn't paid attention to her.

Why was he asking her that question?

She blinked, mystified. Her perplexed expression fueled his rage, as he assumed she was pretending to be clueless.

"Now you are acting as if you are innocent," he hissed. "You couldn't wait to meet your rich friend, didn't you? You met him in the morning. Yet, you went out with him again after work."

"What?" Abigail understood the reason for his anger. It turned out that he had seen her with Jasper. But she was upset when she heard him accusing her.

She wanted to clear up his confusion about why she hadn't gone out with Jasper in the evening, but Christopher didn't give her the opportunity.