Christopher comforting Abigail

"I see… You are not going to say anything," Christopher growled. "Benjamin…"

Benjamin, who had been standing by the door quietly, came forward.

"I need the details of everyone here," Christopher commanded. "And inform the HR department to prepare termination letters for all of them. Make certain they don't get any jobs in the city."

"As you wish, Mr. Sherman," Benjamin responded as coldly as his boss.

"We are sorry, Sir... Please accept our apologies." Except for Misha, everyone began pleading.

Such ruthless remarks terrified them to their core.

Their expressions suggested that they were about to burst into tears. Some of the women started crying.

Misha was still shocked and motionless while others dropped to their knees in front of Christopher.

"We had no idea Madam was your wife."

They had been calling her a whore or a bitch just a few minutes before. They now started calling her "Madam" respectfully.