Only one person can forgive you.

Brad motioned with his index finger, asking her to come in closer.

Misha stiffly walked over to him, her eyes welling up with tears. She thought Brad was the most terrifying creature on the planet, despite his calm demeanor.

He was just as ruthless as Christopher, but he did everything cold-bloodedly.

"Why are you crying now?" he inquired, his voice soothing. He didn't appear to be questioning her, but rather comforting her.

"I was... unaware that... Mr. Sherman was married," Misha mumbled. "I thought..."

"You thought?" Brad scowled at her. "Who gave you the right to think about Christopher? Your duty was to work for him, not to think about what he was doing."

Misha looked down at the tip of her heels, teardrops falling on the floor.

"I am sorry," she murmured.

"Don't apologize to me. You wronged Abigail. If you want to say sorry, say it to her."