The interrogation

"What?" Both Christopher and Brad exclaimed, shocked.

"Are you sure?" Christopher's eyebrows knitted tighter.

Benjamin let out a sigh. "Her maid discovered her naked body in the shower. Her wrist had been slashed."

While Brad was still gaping at him, Christopher's disposition was obscured with sadness. He was also sorry and assumed she had committed suicide because he had fired her.

"The police are assuming it is a suicide based on the preliminary investigations. However, they will confirm it only after the autopsy is done."

Christopher nodded but could not process the shocking news.

"An officer has come to speak with you about the case," said Benjamin. His palms were sweating. He tried to be calm, but he was still nervous.

"The cops are here!" Brad exclaimed.

Benjamin nodded and revealed, "They are questioning the staff members as well."

Christopher arched one eyebrow. "Okay… Bring him in."