Intimacy at the office again

Christopher was kissing her.

Abigail was shocked and forgot to react. She was not shoving him away, nor was she kissing him back.

His kiss was not cold or dominating, unlike his demeanor. It was passionate and urgent as if he were telling her something that he had been unable to say with words.

Abigail was losing her grip on herself. She wanted to give in to him and melt into his warmth. But she kept her desire in check and managed to break free from his grip.

"Christopher… um…" Her words disappeared into his mouth.

This time, he was kissing her harder, deeper, with a feral urgency that she was familiar with. Such a fervent kiss would undoubtedly lead to ultimate intimacy, where they would lose themselves in one another.

Again at the office!

Abigail was terrified. She wanted to stop him. Before she could pull back, his arms were around her, firm and hard. She felt helpless, wanting to yield; the surge of desire had rendered her limp.