Are you jealous?

The driver arrived and delivered the food.

Abigail had a satisfying smile. She thanked the driver and asked him to leave.

"Now I will see how you will go out with Vivian," she mumbled as she ran her finger across the thermos.

Abigail took up the phone and called Christopher.

The phone quickly logged in.

"Are you going out to lunch?" she asked.

"Why? Do you want to join us?"

Abigail twisted her mouth. She wished she could yell at him.

"The driver delivered food a while ago. I am calling you to confirm whether you are going out or not."

She was not telling him directly not to go out, but her annoyance made it clear that she didn't want him to go out with Vivian.

Christopher understood everything. He was smirking, but he said seriously, "You called home to deliver the food."

He had thought she would not let him go alone with Vivian and accompany him. He didn't think Abigail would find such a nice excuse, though.