It was too late to regret.

Rosie had been hiding out in a small roadside cabin. She had called someone reliable who would help her cross the border. She would change her look and identity to fit the new place, and she believed Sebastian would never be able to track her down.

She had been waiting for the man's call.

She thought she would buy some food and eat before leaving. She peered out the window to see if there was anyone suspicious. No matter how many precautions she had been taking, nothing was enough to keep herself safe from Sebastian until she crossed the border.

When she didn't see anyone suspicious, she went out of her room.

Rosie came to a nearby small restaurant. She thought she would buy some sandwiches and go back to the cabin since there were risks of being spotted if she stayed out. She covered her head with the scarf as she made her way to the restaurant.

Her gaze landed on a familiar figure in the parking lot.

It was Samuel.