The consequences of her mistakes.

Sebastian's eyes narrowed as he took another step toward her, his face twisted in a murderous expression that made Rosie's blood run cold.

"You think you can just betray me and get away with it?" He snarled, his voice rising to a deafening roar. "You think I'll let you live after what you have done?"

Rosie's heart stopped as Sebastian lunged forward, his hands reaching for her throat. She tried to scream and fight back, but it was no use. At that moment, she knew that she was truly doomed. Yet, she thought she would try for the last time to convince him to leave her alive. After all, she had been with him for so long, giving him pleasure.

Even though she could see death in his eyes, she had faint hope in her heart that he would show her mercy by chance. 

"Please, Sebastian," she begged; her face contorted with tears and her eyes pleading for mercy. "I did it out of love for you. I couldn't bear the thought of losing you to Maria."