The fierce argument

Christopher clutched the doorknob tightly, his hands shaking. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Jasper kissed Abigail on the top of the head while she was cuddling him.

When he looked at them, he felt as if they were in love with each other. He felt a searing pain in his chest as if a sharp object had pierced through it.

Jealousy coursed through his veins.

His face contorted with pain, and his jaw tightened. His eyes, once filled with love and affection for Abigail, now burned with anger and hurt.

He wanted to confront Abigail and Jasper and demand an explanation for their embrace. He wished he could pull him out and punch him in the face. Rage flowed through him like lava. His insides were on fire. He let go of the doorknob and took a stride towards them, only to come to a standstill when his gaze was drawn to Abigail.