Hiding things from each other.

Christopher and Abigail were the only ones in the ward, their minds preoccupied with the secrets they were keeping from each other.

Christopher was still debating whether to tell Abigail about his meeting with Rachel early this morning, and Abigail was similarly hesitant to divulge the threatening letter she had received.

They both knew that keeping secrets from each other would only cause more tension between them, but they didn't want to add to each other's distress in their already stressful situation.

They remained seated on the bed in silence, with Christopher holding Abigail in his arms.

His agitation and anxiety were palpable on his face. He felt guilty too for not telling her about Rachel's call. He loved her so much that he didn't want to cause her any more pain, but at the same time, he knew that keeping secrets from her might cause misunderstandings between them later.