Pleasure in someone else’s misery!

When Vivian returned home, she saw her father on the phone, speaking in a hushed tone. She immediately became suspicious. Her heart fell as she realized her father could have been involved in Rachel's accident.

As soon as Oscar sensed her presence, he ended the call and turned to her with a grin. Such a bright smile dazzled the eyes.

Vivian stood there, motionless, wondering what had made him so happy.

"Hey, my darling is back home." He gave her a warm hug. "I have been waiting for you. Go and get ready. We will go out to dinner."

"And what is the reason for this treat?" she asked skeptically.

"Because I am happy today." He chuckled.

"This is what I'm curious about. What makes you so happy?"

"Oh, my darling… I think you haven't heard the news. Abigail's mother met an accident. Her condition is critical."

Vivian's heart trembled with fear. "Did you have something to do with Rachel's accident?" she asked, her throat constricting.