Christopher’s attempts to make Abigail happy

Abigail couldn't sleep at night and woke up early. She got ready, hoping Jasper would arrive any time.


Meanwhile, the doorbell rang. Abigail thought it was Jasper and hurriedly went to open the door.

It was Christopher, much to her surprise.

Her jaw hung open, wondering if he hadn't gone home the night before. But this thought was dispelled as soon as she saw him wearing fresh clothes.

He appeared to have gotten up early and rushed over here.

"Good morning…" Christopher grinned.

He had his driver arrange some clothes and toiletries since he was not going home. He had even used the public toilet to freshen up in the morning, not caring about the discomfort. All he had on his mind was staying close to Abigail.

He had bought breakfast from the nearby café and returned to her.

"I brought you some breakfast," he said, placing the bag on the dining table.

Abigail stared at him, still dazed.