You tried to destroy my company.

Jasper felt a sense of relief wash over him when he saw her pensive look. He thought he could make her believe that Christopher was out to harm him and his firm.

"He has always been against me. Remember how he tried to avoid renewing the contract with Essence Concierge? Despite the fact that we were providing his company with a good service, he didn't think twice about troubling me. He now wants to ruin me out of envy and insecurity."

Abigail remembered everything. Christopher would have canceled the contract with Essence Concierge a long time ago if she hadn't come to work for him.

She had also witnessed how Christopher was red and yellow in anger whenever he saw her with Jasper. She had not forgotten him warning her to stay away from Jasper.

Because of his jealousy, he even claimed that Jasper loved her.