Some secrets should always remain secret.

Abigail rushed into the house and saw him walking towards the stairs.

"Christopher… please don't ignore me. I need to speak with you."

Christopher was about to step on the stairs, but he pulled his leg back when he heard her loud voice. He stood there stiffly, without turning to her, and waited for her to speak.

"I went because he sounded disturbed on the phone. He asked me to help him, and I couldn't turn him down." She stepped towards him slowly, one step at a time. "He helped me and my mother many times in the past. So, I thought I should also help him."

She lowered her voice.

When she received no response from him, she mustered the courage to say the next thing.

"Jasper suspects you are to blame for the recent loss of clients at his company. He believes you are attempting to harm his business." Her voice was barely audible.