You'll never talk to him again.

When he saw her go out, Christopher felt a piercing regret in his heart. Her body language showed her sadness.

He was aware she had come to speak with him, but he disregarded her due to his annoyance with her. Now he was sorry to be cold and apathetic towards her.

He quickly finished his work and went to the bedroom. He saw her lying on the bed, her back to him.

When Abigail heard his footsteps, she sneakily brushed her tears away and pretended to be sleeping. But Christopher could tell she was not asleep yet. He knew she was trying to conceal her emotions.

Christopher approached the bed with a heavy heart. As he lay down beside her, he could feel the tension in her body. He gently wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Abigail," he whispered softly in her ear.