Abigail’s first day at her father’s office (Part- 1)

Abigail sat in the luxurious interior of the sleek black Bugatti, her hands gripping the edge of her seat, her knuckles turning white. The engine purred to life, its powerful hum filling the air, but the once thrilling sound now seemed like a reminder of her captivity.

Her gaze flickered to the man behind the wheel, his face hidden behind dark sunglasses as if concealing the intentions lurking within. Beside her, another guard sat in the passenger seat, his presence a constant reminder of her lack of freedom. The line of cars that followed behind them only added to her growing frustration.

The vibrant world outside the tinted windows appeared dulled as if the colors had lost their brilliance. The passing scenery blurred together, unnoticed, as Abigail's thoughts consumed her. Anger coursed through her veins, fueled by the knowledge that her father's lack of trust had led to this suffocating entourage.