Abigail’s first day at her father’s office (Part- 2)

Abigail looked around in astonishment at the lavishness of the space. The room exuded an air of elegance and sophistication, full of luxury and comfort. Tasteful artwork, featuring serene landscapes and vibrant abstract pieces, created a harmonious blend of aesthetics.

Natural light streamed in through floor-to-ceiling windows, which were draped in flowing curtains made of fine silk, gently swaying with the air and lending a sense of grace to the room. Under the mellow glow of recessed lighting, the polished wooden floors shone, casting a warm and inviting atmosphere.

In the center of the cabin stood a large, intricately carved wooden desk, a masterpiece of craftsmanship. The surface was impeccably organized, with a sleek computer monitor, a tasteful collection of stationary, and a crystal pen holder. The desk was accompanied by a plush leather chair, designed for both comfort and style.