The silent guardian

"Hello, hello…" Abigail shouted, but there was no response from the other side of the phone.

Her eyes widened with shock and horror as she looked at the phone.

"How can you be so cold-hearted? They don't deserve your wrath. This isn't love, Britney. It's cruelty and selfishness!"

Abigail was concerned for the safety of the entire family. Tears flowed uncontrollably as the weight of the situation overwhelmed her. She clutched her phone tightly, her hands trembling. The gravity of the threat looming over Christopher and his family seemed to suffocate her.

Her heart ached for the innocent lives caught in the crossfire of Britney's obsession. The love and care she had witnessed from Christopher's parents for Britney had touched her deeply, and the thought of them being hurt stirred a deep sense of responsibility within her.

How was she going to save them from Britney's madness?