Love Vs Obsession

Sebastian and Jasper found themselves in a quieter corner of the backyard, seated comfortably as they sipped on their glasses of wine. The soft light from the surroundings cast a warm glow on their faces.

Sebastian, his gaze fixed on Jasper, leaned back in his chair, exuding a sense of both wisdom and weariness.

"I hope you are thinking about how to get Barbe's attention." He carefully chose his words. His tone was filled with genuine curiosity.

He wanted to understand Jasper's perspective, to delve into the depths of his intentions and the sincerity of his love for his daughter.

Jasper, his own glass cradled in his hands, met Sebastian's gaze with a steady and earnest expression.

"My love for her will never fade over time," he asserted, "but I never impose my desires upon her."