I am not ready for another relationship.

Later that evening…

Michael drove Abigail and Maria to a sprawling estate.

Abigail stepped out of the car, her eyes widening in awe as she gazed upon the magnificent manor that stood before her.

The enormous manor emanated regal grandeur and splendor, bathed in the mellow glow of twilight light. Lush gardens, colorful flowers, and carefully groomed grasses decorated the vast lawn.

Its majestic architecture boasted towering pillars, intricately carved stone facades, and sprawling balconies that overlooked the expansive grounds.

It was a magnificent sight to behold.

The entrance was adorned with a massive wooden door, exquisitely crafted and embellished with ornate designs. It beckoned her into the realm of opulence and refinement that awaited within.

Her footsteps were muffled by the plush carpeting that adorned the marble floors as she followed Michael in.