Why did you drug Vivian?

At the Hotel Sierra…

As soon as Benjamin entered the room, he embraced Christopher before saying anything. He was relieved to see that his boss was all right.

Christopher felt a mix of surprise and gratitude. He was accustomed to Benjamin's cold and reserved demeanor but had never seen him so emotional before. He hugged him back and reassured him.

"I am fine," he said.

"Thank goodness." Benjamin sighed. "I was scared to death."

Christopher didn't want to waste time any longer. His focus quickly shifted to the matter at hand, as he inquired, "Did you know what happened to Vivian last night? Did you bring her to the room?"

Benjamin's surprise was palpable as he shook his head. "No… I-I didn't bring her to the room. I was too busy looking for you. When I didn't find her in the banquet hall, I went to her room and saw her sleeping in her bed. She must have been tired and came back."