Britney exposed?

Silence enveloped the room as the captives wrestled with their own thoughts, the fear of potential consequences settling upon them. Christopher's gaze locked onto theirs, his unwavering stare inviting honesty and cooperation.

They were afraid they would be killed if they revealed the name. But it was also true that they wouldn't be able to get out of there alive.

They exchanged meaningful glances. The first goon shook his head slightly, asking his companion not to reveal anything. But the second one seemed nervous.

"We don't know their names," the first one said. "They contacted us anonymously and promised a big payout. We were just pawns, we swear!"

"Enough with your excuses," Benjamin exclaimed, quickly snatching the gun from the guard and pressing it against the head of the second goon. He had sensed his dread and believed this one would reveal the name if he pressed him a little harder.