You don't have to risk your life.

Even though the evidence was in front of him, Christopher couldn't believe that Britney could be so cruel. He returned the phone to Vivian and sank into the chair in a daze. Lines of worry were etched deep into his face, mirroring the tumultuous thoughts that consumed him.

He stared at the floor, his gaze distant and troubled, unable to comprehend the gravity of the situation unfolding before him. He was not ready to accept reality. His hesitancy was visible on his face, leaving Vivian unhappy and furious.

She recounted the altercation with Britney, vividly describing the slap and the subsequent threats hurled at her.

"Then she followed us here. She didn't tell you that she was coming, and she met me directly at the restaurant. She argued with me and humiliated me."

Vivian remembered Britney splashing water on her furiously.

Each word that Vivian spoke struck Christopher like a blow, shattering the image he had of his sister.