The rescue

The chaos inside the house overwhelmed Benjamin. Under the rubble, dead bodies were squeezed. Some people who had not yet died were groaning.

Thick, acrid smoke billowed through the air, obscuring his vision and stinging his eyes. The crackling sound of fire grew louder, echoing ominously throughout the structure. The intense heat pressed against his skin, making it difficult to breathe.

The flickering flames danced wildly, devouring everything in their path. Orange and red tongues of fire licked the walls and ceiling, leaving behind a trail of destruction and charred remnants.

The walls and ceilings were blackened and blistered, bearing the scars of the relentless blaze. Sparks flew in every direction, fueled by the unyielding fire, creating a hazardous environment. The scent of burning wood and melted plastic filled the air, mixing with the overwhelming odor of smoke.