Britney is in police custody!

Abigail was rushed to the nearby hospital. She had a heart attack. Fortunately, Michael was able to get her to the hospital on time. The hospital staff swiftly took charge, their movements a flurry of coordinated chaos.

Fear and anxiety surged through his veins as he witnessed the aftermath of her heart attack.

Abigail was saved, but her condition was critical. She was pushed into the intensive care unit. Medical professionals in scrubs moved with purpose. The steady beeping of monitors and the soft hiss of ventilators filled the air, a reminder of her reliance on life support to sustain her fragile state.

Michael's thoughts were torn between his concern for Abigail's well-being and his unease about Samuel and Sebastian's whereabouts. He desperately needed to contact Samuel, to ascertain the outcome of their mission and find out whether they had managed to escape safely.