Christopher is missing.

The driver struggled to keep the car steady.

"What is going on?" Benjamin's voice rose above the chaos, expressing his confusion and concern.

"The tires are punctured," the driver said with apprehension.

The car lost its balance and veered off the road, colliding with a boulder on the cliff's edge. The hit jolted Christopher, causing his head to collide with the window glass and momentarily disorienting him.

Meanwhile, the dislodged rock began to slide down into the abyss below.

"We need to get out of the car right away!" the driver yelled.

He jumped out before Benjamin and Christopher could figure anything out. Because of the movement, the rock continued to slide down. The imminent danger became clear as the car teetered on the cliff's brink, sliding further down.

Benjamin urgently shook Christopher, trying to rouse him from his momentary daze. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Benjamin emphasized the need for immediate action.