Life is uncertain.

Gloria arrived at the penthouse at sundown. She was also worried about her son, but she came to support Abigail.

"Mom…" Abigail hugged her and cried.

Gloria wished she could say something to console Abigail, but in the face of such uncertainty, her own fear kept her speechless. She brushed Abigail's hair softly, her touch a feeble attempt to provide some semblance of comfort. With a heavy heart, she reached for the remote and turned off the television, hoping to shield Abigail from the relentless reminders of the accident.

"Abigail, my dear, try to calm down," Gloria whispered, her voice laced with tenderness. "Falling apart like this isn't going to help Christopher. We need to remain strong and have faith that the authorities will find him."

"I am scared." Abigail choked out, her voice trembling. "Will he be okay?" She looked up at Gloria with tear-filled eyes, searching for reassurance that seemed elusive in the face of uncertainty.