Christopher’s attempt to pacify Abigail

"Ugh…" Christopher groaned and rubbed his hair roughly in frustration. "Where has Benjamin gone? What is taking him so long to track her location?"

He dialed his number, and the call connected on the first ring.

"I was about to call you," Benjamin said.

"Where is Abigail?" Christopher asked.

"She is in Rachel's house."

"Thank you…"

Christopher ended the call and stormed out of the house in a rush. He didn't take a moment to compose himself, not caring about changing his clothes or even cleaning up. His sole focus was on reaching Abigail and apologizing to her, no matter how difficult it might be.

Inside the car, his heart was pounding, and his thoughts raced with ideas of how to approach her and make amends. He was well aware that his allegations and suspicion had gravely affected her, and he deeply regretted his actions. But he was determined to keep apologizing to her until she forgave him.