He needs to change his attitude and behavior.

As Abigail and Vivian settled into the car, they burst out laughing.

Vivian's mirthful voice broke through the laughter, her words punctuated by giggles. "Did you see his face? Priceless! He must be wondering what on earth is happening right now." Her laughter bubbled up again, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Poor Chris… He is so disappointed. I feel sorry for him."

Abigail's laughter faded, and she adopted a more contemplative countenance. Her heart was prickled with remorse and concern. She was well aware of the discomfort she was causing Christopher and was also not happy to torture him like this. But her determination to address their underlying issues was driving her actions.

"He needs to change his attitude and behavior," Abigail said, her tone firm. "He needs to develop trust in me and stop letting jealousy or insecurity rule his life."

Her words held a touch of resolve, a desire for Christopher to grow beyond his possessive tendencies.