Surprise plan

Abigail burst into the bedroom, her steps urgent and uneven. She didn't bother to close the door behind her, nor did she take the time to remove her shoes or coat, which hung loosely from her shoulders like a wet rag. The carrying bags she had been holding were discarded onto the bed without care, their contents spilling out haphazardly.

Without hesitation, Abigail made her way to the bathroom, her stride long and purposeful. She pushed open the door with such force that it swung back against the wall, causing the mirror to rattle in its frame. The sound of her retching echoed through the space as she leaned over the toilet bowl, her body convulsing with each heave.

As she emptied the contents of her stomach, she felt a wave of relief wash over her. Her body still trembled with nausea, but the worst of the discomfort seemed to have passed. She reached for the tap and turned it on full blast, letting the cool water run over her hands and splash onto her face.