It won't take me long to expose you.

It was late when Anastasia finally arrived home. The day had been taxing, both emotionally and mentally, filled with the tumultuous aftermath of Britney's breakdown.

Britney had displayed her violent insanity once more, yelling and wailing. It was nearly impossible to keep her under control. Anastasis had to sedate her once again.

The test results showed nerve damage, and Britney had to be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. This news had devastated her, and she began sobbing uncontrollably.

Anastasia was satisfied with the result. The once-vibrant Britney had been reduced to a shadow of her former self, her mental state deteriorating under the effects of the drug. Her lips curled into a small, knowing smile as she reflected on the cunning manipulation that had led to this outcome.

Britney would slowly lose her mental stability. Then she would start forgetting things.