Christopher's drunken banter

The night had grown deeper, and the quiet of the house had settled around Abigail like a shroud. She sat in the dimly lit living room, the only illumination coming from a solitary lamp casting a warm, amber glow across the room.

Abigail had been anxiously waiting for Christopher's return, her concern etched across her face. She repeatedly dialed his number, her heart sinking with each unanswered call. His absence had cast a shadow of unease over her, and her restlessness grew with each passing minute.

She even contacted his workplace to see if he was still there, but his secretary told her that he had left early with Brad.

Abigail was relieved to know he had been with Brad earlier, but the fact that he hadn't returned as expected left her feeling increasingly uneasy. She had envisioned him coming back before dinner, sharing their day, and finding solace in each other's company, but the reality was different.