Conversation between Christopher and Eddie

At the pub…

Christopher's mood was not as awful as it had been. Brad's upbeat and fun conversation had a way of elevating everyone's spirits, and Christopher was no exception. As his friend continued to crack jokes and engage in light-hearted conversation, Christopher's mood gradually improved. His smile returned, and he relished his buddy's company, forgetting about the anxiety and stress that had gripped his heart.

However, as soon as Eddie entered the private room, a palpable silence descended upon the group. Christopher and Brad ceased their animated conversation, their attention fully drawn to the tall figure entering.

Eddie, sensing the scrutiny, felt a touch of nervousness creeping in. He cleared his throat, mustering a friendly smile as he greeted them.


Brad welcomed Eddie warmly, extending his arms for a friendly embrace. "Eddie, our star," he declared with genuine enthusiasm. "Congratulations, buddy. You took us all by surprise."